This page contains a list of the projects that have been released under the spinal shark collective (or SSC) name. Keep in mind that SSC releases may not encompass an author's entire body of work.
Icon legend StepMania 4 CVS (typically January 3rd, 2008 version)
StepMania 4 alpha versions ONLY
StepMania SSC (v1.2.5)
StepMania 5 (Preview 1a and above)
Project SSC code Author Compatible StepMania version(s) Latest released version(s)
 dubaiOne SSC-001 freem compatible with StepMania 4 CVS NOT compatible with StepMania 4 alphas NOT compatible with StepMania SSC NOT compatible with StepMania 5 v1.5 (2009/05/10)
 Cerulean Skies 2 SSC-002 Midiman compatible with StepMania 4 CVS compatible with StepMania 4 alphas NOT compatible with StepMania SSC NOT compatible with StepMania 5 v1.1 hotfix (CVS); Public Beta 1 (SM4a)
 PARASTAR SSC-PSTAR Deluxe, freem NOT compatible with StepMania 4 CVS NOT compatible with StepMania 4 alphas compatible with StepMania SSC NOT compatible with StepMania 5 v0.4
 moonlight SSC-003 freem NOT compatible with StepMania 4 CVS compatible with StepMania 4 alphas compatible with StepMania SSC compatible with StepMania 5 v1.03 (2015/02/21) (SM 5.0.6)
public alpha 7 (2009/03/14) (SM4 alpha 5)
public alpha Va (2009/09/01) (SM4 alpha 4)
 SOMS2 SSC-004 freem NOT compatible with StepMania 4 CVS NOT compatible with StepMania 4 alphas NOT compatible with StepMania SSC compatible with StepMania 5 SOMS2 adds split BPMs, Theater and Forge to StepMania! Coming: NEVER. [Frozen]
 optical SSC-005 shakesoda NOT compatible with StepMania 4 CVS NOT compatible with StepMania 4 alphas compatible with StepMania SSC compatible with StepMania 5 Rolling Release (updated whenever shake feels like it)
 Zenith SSC-M03 Midiman NOT compatible with StepMania 4 CVS NOT compatible with StepMania 4 alphas compatible with StepMania SSC compatible with StepMania 5 v1.00 (Final) (2010/04/10)
 ultralight SSC-ULT freem NOT compatible with StepMania 4 CVS compatible with StepMania 4 alphas compatible with StepMania SSC compatible with StepMania 5 Rolling Release (github)
Stable: r13 (v0.85) (2014/10/06) (SM5 Beta 4)
 SOMS3 SSC-SOMS3 freem compatible with StepMania 4 CVS compatible with StepMania 4 alphas compatible with StepMania SSC compatible with StepMania 5 Coming soon!!
 NEX2 SSC-??? k//eternal and the SSC compatible with StepMania 4 CVS compatible with StepMania 4 alphas compatible with StepMania SSC compatible with StepMania 5 In development