Coxton Publications Ltd.

The Bird Watcher's Logbook

The Bird Watcher's Logbook features a listing of over 750 species of European and North African birds in a diary format to allow the recording of monthly, annual and lifetime sightings.

You may choose your own symbols for entry into the logbook, although helpful suggestions are made in the preface of the book, e.g. [symbol] for birds seen anywhere in the UK, [symbol] for birds breeding locally, etc.

Space is also given for reference to relevant Daily Record pages.

There are pages for recording the first and last dates of Summer and Winter Migrants with the relevant species listed.

A whole section is also available for Garden Birds which includes spaces for unusual sightings as well as a list of common species.

Over 100 pages in the logbook are provided for systematic records of daily observations. The Daily Record pages allow you to keep detailed notes of identification or behaviour and a record of essential data such as date, locations, weather and the names of observers with you.

The Bird Watcher's Logbook is priced £9.90 and is available by mail order.