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How to edit openSUSE 10.2 bootsplash (background) January 9, 2007

Posted by Nigel Ajay Kumar (NAyK) in How-To, Linux, OpenSUSE, Working with Linux.

I really, really struggled to get rid of the SUSE blue, and I’ve only partially succeeded. After the basic desktop interface change, see screenshot, I then wanted to change the bootsplash. I tried forums, websites etc. But just couldn’t figure it out. Basically, after realising that all I really wanted was a background change, this is how I eventually got my green bootsplash screen to change. I receive my technical help from this page.

Step one.

Open the Terminal Program in Super User Mode! Yes this is important. In openSuSE 10.2 you will find it in the menu/system/terminal folder… Terminal Program – Super User Mode.

Step Two.

Open Root Terminal, enter your root password, and then enter the command: mkinitrd

Step Three.

The last line of code will read something like this…

Bootsplash: SuSE (1024×768)
14689 blocks.

The above is my in my file… but what it tells you is your bootsplash screen image. This is important because even though my Lenovo z60m has a 1200/800 resolution, the bootsplash still uses 1024/768 settings.

Anyway… for your computer it may be a different setting, whatever it is, remember it!

Step Four.

Open the filemanager in superuser mode, which is found in Menu/System/File Manager folder… File Manager – Super User Mode. I know, I know… this is not a secure way of doing this. But it’s just so much more convenient. You will need to enter the password.

Step Five.

If this is the first time you’re trying this, your default bootsplash is probably SUSE. So go to the /etc/bootsplash/themes/SUSE/images folder and find the silent-(yourresolution) file… and either edit the bootsplash image for your resolution in GIMP or replace with your own jpg image in the same size.  Note that there will aslso be a bootsplash-(yourresolution).jpg file as well. Because it is black, I’ve left it as it is… if you change it, be sure to use a colour that will show up with white.

(Oh wait, Step four and a half!!! backup your default themes folder. This is very important and helpful, just in case).

Step Six.

Note that the GIMP default save is not jpg, but some other strange format which will not be accessible. So if you’re using GIMP to edit or save an image, the <save as> and in file type select jpeg.

Step Seven.

With the new image replaced, go back to the Root Terminal… and enter the command: mkinitrd -s 1024×768

This will configure the files onto the computer and you will be able to use the files (otherwise no matter what you change, it won’t work).

Step Eight.

Reboot, and see your new background image in place.

I (and you) will have a background of your choice (relief!).

My grub splash image, and my login menu, are still in blue… but I guess we will do only one thing at a time.  I must confess, this took me over four hours to figure out!

Yes, yes, I am a newbie!


1. Zan - February 2, 2007


You are half way to changing the boot splash.

In order to change the splash it is important to understand that any messing with the boot sector is risky. However, with that said, you can use the SuSe 10.2 startup disk and go to where it says install, then select other and re-load the boot sector. Again, be ware that you can mess up your system. What is stored in the etc/boot is only a master copy. The copy that is in the chain loader must be replaced and that can be done as above.

You can change your login splash by going to the login manager and select the background from there.

Now to change the desktop menu, you need to right click on the SuSe start button. and select switch menu style
That will take care the start button.

You can change all kinds of settings by going to Personal settings(Configure Desktop) And you can change one of the splashes there.

Remember SuSe has a different splash for each function. I can be quite daunting to get them all changed.

I hope this helps.

P. S. I have been working on computers periodically since 1969. At least Linux lets one change the settings.


2. CombatDoc - April 25, 2007

Thanks for this. I have been missing the mkinitrd part and have been pulling my hair out. I hate Bootsplash. There are simpler ways of doing things now, but alas I am using SuSE so I do it the SuSE way!

BTW, been using linux since kernel .095, but I have been a fedora person till SuSE 10.1 and my new laptop.

3. sntnlz - June 30, 2007

Changing the background for the login screen in Gnome is as easy as replacing the file Background.jpeg in: /opt/gnome/share/gdm/themes/GDM-SuSE with the image files you want.
You will of course have to replace it with an image of the same size and rename your file to Background.jpeg
Just log out and you will see your new image in the background of the login screen!


4. addikt - July 17, 2007

ty sntnlz

W0w that idea worked well…I knew it would be something simple like this, but I wasn’t sure in which folder these pictures/settings are kept. I was able to change my entire theme with

# mv ~/my_theme/* /opt/gnome/share/gdm/themes/GDM-SuSE/

after I emptied the original contents from the GDM-SuSE folder of course.

Thanks again

5. Uwe - October 14, 2007

It’s easier than that;
unpack bootsplash theme to

edit /etc/sysconfig/bootsplash:


6. Little Susie - March 16, 2011

[…] […]

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