Calories in cheeseburgers

Calories in Cheeseburgers

Please note: all fast food calorie values are approximate

Cheeseburgers (1)Calories
Cheeseburger w/o mayo320
Cheeseburger w/o mayo (large)610
McDonald’s Cheeseburger330
McDonald’s 1/4 pounder with cheese530
McDonald’s Big N’ Tasty with cheese590
Burger King Cheeseburger360
Burger King Whopper with cheese850
Burger King Double Whopper w/ cheese1,150
Wendy’s Jr Cheeseburger310
Wendy’s Jr Cheeseburger Deluxe350
Jack In The Box Double Cheeseburger410
Jack In The Box Big Cheeseburger700

Personal Help To Lose Weight

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Calorie Intake to Lose Weight

One pound of body fat is equivalent to about 3500 calories. Thus in order to burn one pound of stored body fat we need to create a calorie deficit of 3500 calories. We can do this (1) by eating 3500 fewer calories than we need, or (2) by burning an extra 3500 in exercise, or (3) a combination of both. That said, if we eat too few kilocalories, our metabolic rate slows down as our body conserves energy. So if counting calories, do not allow your caloric intake to fall below 1000-1200 calories a day.

Calories in Cheeseburgers
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