“Send & Archive” is back!

It’s got a slightly simplified design (because the HAB will be going into the fixed-part of Gmail, and so always visible, so we no longer need to embed it in the Reply box); but it’s ready to keep your inbox at zero.

Pinning fixed (no really, I mean it!)

There was still a small group of people who couldn’t pin properly, I’m really sorry about that. It turned into a really finicky problem, but I’ve dealt with it now.

Create Label from Review Bar dropdown

As per request! You can now create labels from the Projects dropdown in the Review Bar.

Previous Emails load on click

I fixed a simple little bug that stopped you opening an email in the Previous Emails list (found when you click Reply in a conversation); so you can quickly catch up on recent discussions to help you write your email.

Notes Dropdown will not lose your notes

Notes had the potential to be really irritating, by closing when you clicked the “Always Show Notes” checkbox, causing you to lose your unsaved note. I’ve fixed this now.

Auto update will kick in soon enough, but you can also grab it from http://www.activeinboxhq.com/install.php.

Update that changed to

Okay, it’s 3:22am (I thought I’d mention it because I’m exhausted and it’s an opportunity to play my violin!), but thanks to Michael and David I realised shortly after got released that there were visual glitches in the To Do dropdown, and possibly still (STILL!) issues with pinning being remembered. I’ve just pushed to get them fixed, about an hour after originally went live (and late in both Europe and the US), so I hope only a handful of people were affected with the bad release.


This was written by Andy Mitchell