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Is a ferret the right animal for you?

Ferrets are a huge responsibility.  This is something one needs to consider before purchasing a ferret.  They are like kittens that never grow up.  Below are some questions to ask yourself before purchasing one of these chaotic critters.

  • Do you have time during the day to let a ferret play twice (or more) a day for more than 2 hours at a time?  Ferrets sleep when their in a cage.  Sleeping all day, everyday, is not healthy. 
  • Do you have an area in your house that you can ferret proof?  There should be no holes, couches/chairs with legs,  stuffed animals (especially with plastic eyes/nose!), high places (ferrets are very clutzy), or any means of them getting outside.  See the ferret proofing section for more help.
  • Do you have the patience of a saint?  A ferret will get into things, no matter how good you think you ferret-proofed.  Not only that, but they can be absolutely rotten at times.  They will try your patience to the limit.  Can you stay calm when a ferret spills water on your keyboard?  Will you be able to blame yourself for leaving the water at their reach?   
  • Will you get upset if you find ferret poo on the floor?  Unlike cats, ferrets do not naturally use litter boxes.  They do their "back-up dance" into whatever corner suits them.  It's up to you to put litter boxes in those corners.  You also have to be prepaired for misses.  If they have to go, and there is no litter box around ...
  • Do you have the money for ferret care?  Ferrets need their annual rabies and distemper vaccines.  Kits get boostered for distemper every 3 weeks until they are 16 weeks old.  They get their first rabies at 12 weeks.  A doctor has to give these, so you get charged for exams.  It adds up.  Ferrets are also prone to some nasty diseases when they grow older.  You should keep money put aside for emergancies.
  • Last; have you done your research?  If your reading this, then you are off to a good start!  Absorb all of the ferret information you can before making your purchase.  I also recommend not buying a kit from a petstore.  I have links to some good ferret breeders on my link pageDo your research before making your decision!

Choosing a ferret

Okay, so you've decided to take the plunge.  Now what?  Below are some things to think of when making your purchase.
  • Do you want one from a petstore or a breeder?  Petstore ferrets are usually from Marshall Farms.  You can tell a Marshal ferret by the two blue dots in their ear.  There is a lot of controversy about Marshall ferrets, so read up and make sure that you are okay with it.  My suggesstion is getting your fuzball from a breeder.  There are plenty out there, so look into it.
  • Or perhaps you want to dopt an older ferret.  If you do .. Good for you!!  There are plenty of ferrets in shelters all over the world that need a home.  The bonus of getting an older ferret is that you wont have to deal with the enegizer-bunny-baby ferret.  Just be aware that older ferrets may have one or more of the ferret diseases.
  • How is the ferret's disposition.  Did it bite you when you picked it up?  Did it try to play with you?  Did it curl up in your arms and snooze?  Most baby ferrets will nip, but you don't want one that is too fresh.  You also want one that is active.  If you visit during nap time, try to make another visit to see how playful the kit is.
  • Male or Female?  Males grow larger than most females, and tend to have more of a musk odor.  As far as behavior, there is not much difference. SOMETIMES the males are a LITEE BIT more mellow. As mellow as ferrets can be, anyway :)
  • Does the ferret appear healthy?  Does it have eye/nose discharge?  Is the coat shinny and soft?  Is it sneezing or coughing?  Is it too skinny?  Pay close attention to the ferret before making your decision.  You don't want your ferret's first visit to the vet to be an emergancy.

I hope this helps you make your choice.  Contact me with any further questions.