Built St. Louis > > Crumbling Landmarks

City Hospital

Arcade Building

Mullanphy Immigrant Home

St. Mary's Infirmary

Central Institute for the Deaf

Shriners Hospital

Carr School

Cass Avenue Bank

Clemens Mansion

Bethlehem Lutheran Church

St. Liborius Church

St. Augustine Roman Catholic Church

State Bank of Wellston

Murphy Building, East St. Louis

Majestic Theater, East St. Louis

Spivey Building, East St. Louis

As one of the quintessential post-industrial Rust Belt cities of the Midwest, St. Louis is home to an astounding number of architectural ruins. They range from negligible things like tiny houses and garage apartments that have been left to rot, all the way up to buildings that by rights should be among the city's most cherished. It is the latter group that concerns us here: the magnificent, the beautiful, the prominent, the historical.

Many of these buildings have been vacant for decades; several, like the Clemens House, are in emminent danger of being torn down or collapsing from neglect. Some are occupied but facing closure or demolition in the future. And a few, including City Hospital, are in the process of being reborn into new uses. Most danger to some degree. All are partially or completely empty; most are in deplorable condition and have been for a long time. All hold tremendous potential for re-use as part of a city with a healthy respect for its past... and equal potential for civic disgrace if they are torn down.

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