Welcome to GM Boris Alterman

Grandmaster Boris Alterman
Date of birth: 04.05.1970

I have been playing chess since I was 7 years old.
In 1985 at age 15 I won the Ukrainian under 18 Junior Chess Championship.

In 1986 I joined the Botvinnik- Kasparov chess school, as one of the students of this famous Chess University.

In 1987 in the strongest ever-Soviet Junior Chess Championship I shared 1-2 place with Gata Kamsky ahead of players like: Shirov, Akopian ,Ulibin, Sakaev etc.
Then in 1990 I won the Qualification tournament for the World Junior Chess Championship under 20 ahead of Vladimir Kramnik who came 3rd.

In 1991 I immigrated to Israel and achieved my IM and GM titles in just one year.
During the Manila chess Olympiad in 1992 I was awarded the GM title and after a few very successful results during the second part of 1992 my Elo rating has exceeded 2600 and I have broken into the list of top 50 chess players in the world.

During my active chess career I was winner of strong tournaments such as Munchen 1992, Haifa 1993 (cat 12) Bad Homburg 1996(Cat 12), Beijing open 1995 and 1997, Rishon leZion 1996 (Cat 13) and others.

In February 1999 Gary Kasparov asked me to supervise over the education projects of the Kasparov Chess Academy and to help him during his famous Microsoft Internet match versus The Rest of the World. I was the official second of Garry Kasparov during this well known game and we became very close friends since then.

When http://www.kasparovchess.com had opened its doors in summer 1999, I had the opportunity to run on with chess education programs such as “Searching for the new World Champion ” when we were helping best young players like Radjabov, Bu Xiangi and Elisabeth Paehtz to improve their chess skills and the Kasparov chess University Interactive lessons in which people all over the World could take chess lessons from the best ever chess stars: Garry Kasparov, Vladimir Kramnik, Viktor Korchnoi, Judith Polgar, to name a few.

In 2000 I joined the Team of Super Computer Deep Junior as a consult and the developer of its Opening Book. Since then Deep Junior won the WC title in 2001-2002, 2004 and in Turin 2006 ahead of the best chess software as Rybka, Shredder and Zappa.

In 2003 I was a part of Deep Junior Team in his match vs. Garry Kasparov in New York, which after magnificent clash finished in a tie 3:3.

Nowadays I rarely play professional chess. Most of my time is dedicated to giving chess lectures, Simultaneous exhibitions, private lessons and training sessions.

50 Responses

  1. Hi Boris

    Following your invitation, I had a look at your web site. Nice job!

    I look forward to the future content.

    Friendly regards.


  2. Thanks Christian , I will do my best,

  3. Hi Boris!

    I read about your page in CHESS TODAY. Congrats.

    I hope you will continue the updates.



  4. Hi Boris thanks for the nice videos on ICC and for your interesting site which i just discovered today! I have a question about the traxler counter attack in the line : 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Nf6 4.Ng5 Bc5 5.Bxf7+ Ke7 6. Bd5 Rf8 7.Bxc6!? was played in a game B. Losev vs D Isaev inn 1990. I found it at chessgames.com in the opening explorer. My question is : does 7.Bxc6 is a treat to the traxler countergambit or it won by luck? You can answer me at jonny521@hotmail.com. Also i might be interested for lessons so if you have forfeits or offer you can also send me! Have a nice day!

  5. Thanks Jonathan,
    1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Nf6 4. Ng5 Bc5 5. Bxf7+ Ke7 6. Bd5 Rf8 7.Bc6 dc! – ideas Bf2 and Bg4
    I guess Black has an enormus compensation for a pawn and of course we are not going to stop playing Traxler because of 7.Bc6 line.

  6. Wow, that simul picture is great!! From where was it taken? And, how much do you charge for a simul abroad, in case I want to contract you?

  7. I just want to thank Boris for his ICC lectures on gambit openings. I knew nothing about several of them, expecially the Benko Gambit, but I discovered that his lectures are the clearest and best of any I have heard on ICC!

    Thanks again,

  8. Your ICC gambit series is the most effective and addictive and gratifying didactic material to demand my attention since chess has come to the internet (and long before since I’ve been a chess addict for over 60 years now.

  9. Superb content with a great chess mind at the helm fervently running the show..strictly world class. Jude Acers/ New Orleans, Louisiana USA

  10. Dear Boris,
    I would very much wlecome your thoughts on:-

    – the Belgrade Gambit
    – the Sicilian Wing Gambit

    I will shortly send you a few analyses and thoughts.

    Thank you for your excellent site!

    Kind regards,
    Jan Boekelman

  11. Hi GM Boris Alterman,
    I find your chesslessons website a wonderful resource for my reference. I am sure all the chess enthusiasts will be delighted by your efforts.
    Your articles are easy to understand and follow. Since they are easy to understand, I am learning as well as am able to teach my daughters (14 and 6 yrs old) which they also understand quite convincingly.
    Thanks again for your marvelous efforts!
    Babu Kothandaraman

  12. Dear GM B.Alterman,
    I watch your videos regularly. They are great and easy to understand even for me as a low rating amateur. My question now is about Janisch gambit, p.1. Playing 4.Nc3 line, after my opponents (SlowMoe) 7.Nxc6, I played your recommended Qg5. Much to my surprise w continued 8.Qe2. I made Qxg2, but was crushed by 9.Qh5+ g610.Qe5+Ne711.Nxe7+c612.Nxc6+Kf713.Nd8+Kg814.Bc5=
    What would be there a right move for black after this 8.Qe2(Bd7?)?Is there a sense to add this to your video?
    Anyway, thanking you a lot

  13. Dear Boris,

    Was interesting to read about you and your chess life, since i saw you last time more then 20 years ago.
    I would love to have you as my son coach.
    please respond
    I would like to know if you going to come to America any time soon to teach or for whatever reson.
    My email ltchess23@yahoo.com

  14. The best wishes!!

  15. I really enjoyed your gambit series especially: budapest, Milner Barry attack. I am hoping the current study of the karo kann turns out to be as good as the others. I havent been able to see it through but I think that willchange. Thanks Boris

  16. Thank you very much for all the effort and concern for others that goes into your site. As a low “class” player I have found it very educational and enjoyable. You have made a great contribution to my enjoyment of the game! Scott

  17. I saw your 2 from Gambits on the Bird. Most every thing I see here and in e-book I have black has decisive advantage. Wins most of the time. Do you have or can you recommend further information that one can learn in behalf of white play. To counter the advantages of black. I have been trying to learn bird line for a year. I do good against someone that does not know book for black. I need some help for white to survive . Thanks Stan Beers

  18. Please, tell me where I can find your old lessons.
    Countergambit Albin, for exemple, one of them.


  19. I disagree with your analysis of the Traxler. I beat Fritz 8 with 4.Ng5 Bc5 5.Bxf7ch Ke7 6.Bd5 Rf8 7.Bxc6 dxc6 8.Nf3!! (N). This stops the tactical shots against f2 and is better than 8.Qe2 Ng4! 9.f3 Bf2ch! 10.Kf1 Bb6 = (White’s only try for a plus is 11.Nh3/Nc3/Nd1/Nhf2 but it is = Fritz).

    Fritz says that 8…Nxe4 is no good because of 9.Qe2 & if 9…Nxf2 10.Rf1 is good for White.

    Fritz continued 8…Kf7 & after 9.d3, the position is +/-. Black has no compensation for the pawn and his busted pawn structure. GM Korchnoi could beat anyone with the White position.

    By move 40, it was +- (I was threatening to win a Rook.)

    Do you see any saving resource for Black?

  20. Hi Boris,

    I have been watching your guide to gambits and enjoyed/learned from them thoroughly. I have since adopted the Albin Countergambit as my response to the Queen gambit. My playing strength is about 1300 and I am 37 years old (been playing on and off for 9 years). I have been as high as 1500, but have been playing extremely intermently (wife, kid, etc…). I would like to take some lessons – have you assess my game and take it from their. (I do have a few openings I would like to learn, though). Please let me know how this works? your rates? where lessons given since I am in Los Angeles, etc…

    Looking forward to hearing from you.
    310-892-2239 (cell)

  21. Hello Boris,

    I want to congrulation you for all you do for chess.
    I wish to see your all old gambits, which you put them on ICC, like the countergambit Albin, and so on.


  22. Hi Boris

    Your gambit guide is really something to follow. I´m adicted to your series. I´ve seen that you start a new gambit, the scandinavian. I hope you can dedicate one video to the direct gambit that follow after:

    1. e4 d5
    2. exd5 c6

    Congartulations for your great series.

  23. your gambits are very good.But I have a doubt that for scandanivan gambit e4 d5 e5 what to play?

  24. I had a question regarding the Traxler.
    If after 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Nf6 4.Ng5 Bc5 6.Nxf7 Bxf2+ 7.Kxf2 Nxe4+ 8.Ke3 Qh4, white plays 9.Qf3, what should be Black’s response ?

  25. Hi GM Boris!

    I was trying to teach ‘how to play fried-liver attack (in the Nb4 subline) to a friend this weekend, and we found a line which looks good for black, at least it is hard to refute I think:

    1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Nf6 4. Ng5 d5 5. ed N x d5 6. N x f7+ K x f7 7. Qf3+ Ke6 8. Nc3 Nb4 9. a3 (my favourite move in the past, as you recommend as well in the ICC video) N x c2+ 10. Kd1 N x a1 11. N x d5 (also my favourite) Kd6 12. d4 and now 12…Be6!?

    some lines which Crafty suggests are:

    13. d x e Kc6!? (N is pinned so no discovered check) 14. Qc3 B x N 15. B x B+ K x B …or

    13. Qe4 Kd7 14. Q x e5 Bd6 15. Nb6+ cb 16. Q x e6+ Kc7…

    in both lines the knight on d5 is removed so the black queen gets more squares and white is still a rook down. Do you think there is there a better way looking deeper for white to continue the attack successfully after 12….Be6!?.

    Many thanks from the UK for all the stimulating gambit videos!!

    • Hi Aaron

      1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Nf6 4. Ng5 d5 5. ed N x d5 6. N x f7+ K x f7 7. Qf3+ Ke6 8. Nc3 Nb4 9. a3??

      9.a3?? is a pure blunder b’coz of 9…Nxc2+!! 10.Kd1 Nxa1!!(Nd4??) 11.Nxd5 Qh4!!
      Due to this move White never gains advantage Neither by Nb6+ nor Nxc2+

  26. I started playing chess about a year ago and have enjoyed viewing many of your very entertaining videos on the ICC again and again. Looking at what looks like a sound position disintegrate into a pile of rubble in a few moves can be extremely amusing.

    I have also found that the instructive power of the videos go way beyond just the Gambit opening itself. In the little time I have played I have noticed over and over that the ideas in these gambits appear in completely different openings and that many of the ideas can be extremely powerful positional ideas not just tatics.

  27. Hi
    I have question about Fajarowicz line in Budapest Gambit. After 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e5 3. dxe5 Ne4 4. a3 d6 5. Qc2 i can’t find good solution for black. It looks like it’s whole in this opening.

    5… Bf5 don’t work (2 pieces for rook and pawn)
    5…. Nc5 is also weak
    5… d5 loosing tempo

    Maybe you can see more then I.
    I’m looking forward for your answer.

  28. hi i see you opnings leture on ICC great stuff problem i can t remember the lines after probely bekorse my style is not natrul gambit . 1 do you think i can lean to play gambit style?. you have a new book aut is the same opning coverd in this . maby it will be a adv to have a book so i can repit the lines in my tempo?

  29. I would never of dared play the Traxler until i followed your videos on icc. The Traxler is a great weapon.

  30. I enjoy your lectures very much. You have a way of adding clarity to complicated situations on the chess board.

  31. Shalom

    Desde Spain

  32. Спасибо огромное за Ваши видиоуроки на ICC !Ярослав

  33. Today I come to know of your website.By the way I was your former student back in 2000 thru the ICC.I want to be your student soon .Remember me Dtan

  34. I get to know your name through a friend of chess. My son 14 years old has been playing chess for the past 5 years. His current FIDE rating is 1750+. Can you help him to grow from this level. Do you have a program to guide him or any advice for us?

  35. hi
    i know u did the hard work to reach all this title i realy become your fanafter see your your all the title it was not easy , my name is deepak singh recently my rating is1692 i am club player i have time problum during the tournament i play my move very quickly on the bord i read recently chess school 2 ,3and 4,dvoretsky endgame mannual. mastring chess strategy john hellsten,pawn power in chess hans kimoch’essential ches ending james howell,my systeme,karsten muller fundamentle chess ending how to resses chess 3,gm repotire 1,2,6,and 10 idid’t manange any coch due to financial problum but i want be the great player of the world i shared many book from the site and reach at this level istudy 8 to 14 hours in a day but iwant to be great player i don’t what i shoud to do now will u help meto become great player will teach me free of cost i live in delhi india email 100002429046031@facebook.com

  36. Wish to join the club

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  38. Hi Boris
    I am 48 years old and started playing chess 4 years ago. My rating is 1585. I have been coached by GM Melikset Khachiyan over the last two years until recently. The reason I stopped is because I feel that he did not have a clear plan for me. He is also an active player and our lessons were not very consistent. I am a surgeon and my goal in chess is to continuously improve. I understand being an adult starting late in the game that I have limitation but I simply want to exhaust every avenue to be the best that I can be. If you can help me, please let me know.

    Thank you very much.

  39. Hi Boris, spending all that time with Garry did you ever have a “friendly” game or two where you won and being a good friend kept them quiet lol? if so confess and post said game or two :D…….
    David, Calgary, Alberta Canada.

  40. Hi sir,
    I am rated at 2008 elo.I wanted to know the details of your private lessons.
    Vishal Didwania

  41. HI Boris: Would you be so kind and tell me what to play in the Alekhine defense as White if in the second move black play KT to e4 instead of KT to d5 as usual? thanks

  42. thank you so much Sir for the gambit guides ,we can feel the improvement ,we would be blessed to continue learning from you

  43. hello ! Mr. Boris Alterman. thank you for your nice ICC chess videos and your book {the Alterman gambit guide-white gambits,black gambits 1,2.} i am completed this three books. and i feel my improvement and I am Going to play the tournament which is for below 1500 elo player only. If i play your gambit guide games for below 1500 players i have good results? they will lose very quickly? i am asking to you because they dont know how to face gambits?

  44. Boris, you remember me? Probably not. It’s a memory test 🙂 hope ur doing well. Cheers, John


  46. Hi Boris. I need more lessons/videos on Caro-cann defense & d4 opening

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