The Fried Liver Attack – Part 6

The next brilliant game is a very typical example of Fried Liver Attacking ideas.  

Morphy,P – NN [C55]  

New Orleans sim New Orleans, 1858  

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Nf6 4.d4   

There are two ideas behind 4.d4. One of them is obviously the attack over the center – to support active actions there. Another obvious idea is to open Bc1.  

4…exd4 5. Ng5 d5

Pushing the “d “pawn, Black prevents the immediate threat over f7. But now the position becomes quite similar to the standard Liver attack setup, when the inclusion of d4 and 0-0 definitely favor white.  

 6. exd5 Nxd5?  

Rather then capturing a pawn either 7…Ne5 or 7…Na5 could be a better alternative.    

7.0-0 Be7  

Black needed only one tempo to castle to get a perfect position. But after White’s next move it’s no longer possible. I have to admit that after 7…Be6  White keeps a strong attack by 8.Re1 Qd7 and here comes another bunch of pins: 9.Nf7! breaking through Black’s position. 9… Kf710. Qf3 Kg8 11.Re6! and Black is losing immediately.    


The well-known Fried Liver attack sacrifice, but here we have a much better version.   


9.Qf3+ Ke6  

White has deployed his pieces optimally, and the assault begins. Black never gets a chance to counterattack for the remainder of the game.  


Unbelievable. It’s amusing to see White breaks down the black’s position with the help of this simple developing move, despite the fact that c3 square is under attack by black’s d4 pawn!  

Of course, the reason it’s a great move is that a whole knight is going to be sacrificed for just following general attacking rules:

In the open positions we have to:

a.)    Develop all your forces quickly as possible – so Rook a1 soon will be connected with the other rook

b.)   Open central files where your opponents King is stuck so after 10.Nc3 dc  the “d” file becomes available.    

10… dxc3

 Black must accept the offer.  


The rook swings to e1 with decisive effect! Black has only one defensive move every time.   

11…Ne5 12.Bf4

Developing Bc1 with a threat.

12… Bf6 13.Bxe5 Bxe5 14.Rxe5+ !!  

A fantastic blow! Black’s position is completely ruined. The totally exposed position of the Black King makes defending impossible.  

14…Kxe5 15.Re1+

The white pieces dominate the board, besides, all black pieces are still passively placed on the back rank.

 15… Kd4 16.Bxd5

Not only does it regain the piece, but at the same time eliminates black’s only developed piece. 

16… Re8  

The rest is agony. Now if 16…Qd5  17.Qc3 leads to a beautiful mate, when  even after 16…Rf8 17.Qxc3+ Kxd5 18.Re5+ the mate is forced: 18…Kd6 19.Qc5+ Kd7 20.Qd5 mate.

17.Qd3+ Kc5 18.b4+

Preparing a resting place for the King on the Queenside.  

18… Kxb4 19.Qd4+ Ka5 20.Qxc3+ Ka4 21.Qb3+ Ka5 22.Qa3+ Kb6 23.Rb1 Mate 1-0

A magnificent game, which even still inspires chess fans everywhere!

A beautiful combination of utilizing a fast and complete development with efficient mobilization!

Botvinnik said about Morphy: “Up to now Morphy has to be the greatest ever master of the Open positions. His opening principles were so effective and his mastery of open positions was so vast that little new has later been learned about such positions.

Morphy never lost a tempo and the center was the main point of his strategy. Immediately upon achieving development advantage Morphy immediately breaks and opens files and diagonals for his pieces for a crushing attack.

Many masters even before Morphy sacrificed material in order to open files and diagonals, but Morphy always does it only when was sure about his pieces domination on the most important territory of the chess board!   

5 Responses

  1. […] The Fried Liver Attack, Part Six by Boris Alterman (June 29, 2008) A useful presentation for amateur players focused mostly on the 6.Nxf7 lines, culminating in the annotated game Morphy – NN, New Orleans simul 1858 which features the Lolli Attack. […]

  2. hey your on ICC

  3. I’ve lastly found a common presentation on this problem. Thank you

  4. Hello Boris,

    thank you for your articles, I learned much from it and used this knowledge in chess tournament too. I would like to ask you how white can win if: e4 e5, Nf3 Nc6, Bc4 Nf6, Ng5 d5, exd5 Na5, Bb5+ c6, dxc6 bxc6, Ba4? Black usually continues with h6 in the next move. How to checkmate black king if oponent protects this way? Thank you for your answer.

    • Why checkmate? You are a pawn up, blacks pawn structure is broken, you are not lacking development… just go ahead and win!

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