Penguin Pics!

Here is a page of edits I made!



This one is just a bunch of clones of me!

Floor tastes funny…

Penguins beware of puffles!

I’ve been working out…

Look! A new room! (this is an edit)

Aaaaaah! A tornado! Click on the picture to zoom in!

My penguin is doing the Chicken Dance!

This how I look mini sized!

I Rock!
get it?

This puffle seems hyper!

This pic is pretty big ,so click on it to zoom in!
Bow down to the strength of my army! 😆


And the winner is…
A puffle?

A Wet Surprise!

They see me rollin…


Penguin Chat Pics
For more about Penguin Chat, go to this post.


Here’s a pic of an earlier version of Club Penguin that I found whil surfing the internet. It is not the “Penguin Chat” above. I think it is from Penguin Chat 3.
Click on it to zoom in!


Here are some banners for my site!
Feel free to put them to your site and link your site to mine! Or you can feel free to put these banners in your signature in forums!
Copyright terms don’t apply(copyright terms are near the bottom of the page on the side bar).





Here are the Club Penguin Banners!
Club Penguin - Waddle around and meet new friends!

Club Penguin - Waddle around and meet new friends!


79 Comments on “Penguin Pics!”

  1. uio9trhijgvn Says:


    Dude1t: Thanks!

  2. geoburns Says:


    Editor’s Comment: Thanks!

  3. penga133 Says:

    Wow! Cool pictures! Oh, dude1t, this is a really cool website!

  4. Angel8o Says:

    awesome pics!

  5. moneyrulz Says:


  6. moneyrulz Says:


  7. joe55567 Says:


  8. Pgizzle Says:

    sweet pics

  9. Amy Says:

    You know, you should send that ‘new room’ pic in. They might take it. I’ve been sending them clothing ideas

    Dude1t: Cool! Have you gotten any of your ideas approved?

  10. Smoopygirl Says:

    those r some awesome pics! they r hilarious. i agree with amy u should send that one in. they might add a new room like the one u made. and u might get a prize for thinking of the idea

  11. Fylliper Says:

    Yeh great pics did you see the ones on my site? if so, are they good?

    Editor’s Comment: There are no pics on your site.

  12. marie Says:

    they are so funny

  13. Nickel2000 Says:

    XD Great Pictures i Agree With Others…. 😛 Also Tell Them About my Site IT needs more Visitors 😦

  14. marie Says:

    lol so funny

  15. 200oreo500 Says:

    Amy, (the person that sent in a couple weeks ago) how do you send in clothing? Oh, and Dude1t, i LOVE the one with the tornado! My fave part about it is the penguin saying: “MOMMY!” That, right there is HISTARICAL!!!

    P.S: I might have spelled Histarical wrong, but who really cares?

  16. gandhi Says:

    there was loads of tornados around club penguin the other day there was one in the dance hall and the iceberg when i asked nobody spoke to me

    Editor’s Comment: The “Tornados” you saw were just black puffles dancing.

  17. bita Says:

    howd u get the pics when u were playing it??? plz answer

    Dude1t: I have a Mac, so it may be different if you don’t have one. I just downloaded one a program that helps you take pictures on you screen off the internet.

  18. link Says:

    how do u get big musles

    Editor’s Comment: Mainly, Dude1t just put on his Water Wings.

  19. link Says:

    can u get water wings for free

    Editor’s Comment: You could, if you were at last year’s Summer Party.

  20. Stewart55 (cp name) Says:

    i wish free items @ partys came back

  21. sweetsamoa Says:

    LOL! These pics rock!
    -Sweet Sa-
    *Visit today!*

  22. Slew Says:

    I’ve been on penguin chat i HATE IT its horrible!

    Editor’s Comment: Well, yes it is compared to Club Penguin.

  23. top9 Says:

    Ha thats classical !

  24. nickey101 Says:

    i luv the pic!! i luv the tornado one!!!!

  25. souprise Says:

    send in the new room pic because it has a lot of potential. it looks like a club pengin design.

  26. smudgey7 Says:

    omg !!!!!!!!!!!!!! how cool is this site nice pics and glitches i been needing the walking on path one thanks alot ohhh yer if any of you want to be my club penguin buddy iam on deep freeze my name is smudgey7 and my best clothing is red guitar blue snorkal green cape and black cowboy hat thanks alot again and great site

  27. GERAED WAY Says:


    Dude1t: I have never been banned before.

  28. ninja Says:

    how do you edit

    Dude1t: You edit by using Paint or Adobe Photoshop. I use Adobe Photoshop.

  29. YO Says:


  30. ORINGE SOADA Says:


  31. kaylee Says:

    i love these pictures !!! they are so funny ( my favorite one is ” the floor tastes funny”) i also like that castle ( “new room”) you made and put on the club penguin map !! so cool ! i agree with amy. you should send it in to the club penguin moderators . i think they will approve it and make it a cool snow cone store. that would be awsome !!!

  32. Vanessa Says:


    Editor’s Comment: Dude1t uses a program named Adobe Photoshop CS, but if you use windows, you can just use paint.

  33. CP Cheater Says:

    How did you get the picture of you “Mini-Sized”?

    Editor’s Comment: Dude1t downloaded a program named Pixel Penguins.

  34. webby123456 Says:

    Nice! I have a question. How do you take pics of cp? All i know how to do is my header. I was wondering if you could help. If you cant say, plz e-mail me.

    Editor’s Comment; Just download a program off the internet.

  35. 2penguin23 Says:

    HA HA HA! i love the one with the army!

  36. yoyippieyoyo Says:

    you should not have people banded forever cause my clubpenguin got banned forever and he did not do any thing

    Editor’s Comment: Did you give your password to someone else?

  37. Mystnix Says:

    This is a very cool website!!! You are good!

  38. jordan101 Says:

    dude1t cool site
    can u put me on your blogroll please?

  39. ishay14 Says:

    cooliest pics ever!

    Until Then… yay!
    Go to Whenever you want!

  40. normile5 Says:

    how did you get the ninja banner i have been wondering how you got that and i have been working so hard to be a ninja i know all theses ninja sign on the website and i just want to be one ohwell and the one who copied your pics was some famous penguin but he aint famous now knowing he copied you his username is paintboy100 and he goes on mammoth it seems like so it you see him tell him he is a poser i have seen him but i didnt know about his dumb idea but ya also cheak at the dock for him thats were the faumos penguins meet so see ya later.


  41. Fylliper Says:

    hey Dude1t!
    THey keep getting better all the time!!!
    Now I have updated my pics page at so please sewe them!
    And with those banners, do I put them on my site as an advertisement for your site?

    Dude1t: Sure, if you want to!

  42. Ryrofan Says:

    ha these are so cute, especially the penguins beware of puffles one. what program do you use?

    Dude1t: I use Adobe Photoshop CS. It is a professional editing program.

  43. matty Says:

    I saw som1 doing a moon dance on clubpenguin! is this hacking?

    Editor’s Comment: Yes.

  44. Yellow Hat17 Says:

    My mom uses photo shop to do her magazine, so I know a few things about it, pasting, erasing, copying, all the basics, and I think the old club penguin looks sweet! 😀

  45. noah Says:

    wow nice pictures!!!

  46. Frozennose Says:

    i dont no if its a commeent but at the club penguin main site if you click the penguin it changes click it again and again to see every thing u can wear ps click the n on nightclub to change to a nija

  47. The Pix Just gets funnier and funnier!

  48. Aunt Arctic Says:

    Woah!! Great pics!! Thanks for sharing!

    – The REAL Aunt Arctic

  49. Ari P. Says:

    These are awesome pics! and u r not Aunt Arctic!!!

  50. gregboxer Says:

    Im not saying for us to copy but……………
    could we send in our funny pics to this website

    Editor’s Comment: Sorry, no.

  51. Billybob Says:

    nice job, And thepicture you said you thought was an early version, Yes it was!

  52. Karpolo Says:

    I remember the old Club Penguin….

  53. calogero1 Says:

    luv the effects

  54. milzmilz Says:

    hey i wish i had had a chance to go on penguin chat 3… it makes me so SAD! cuz there were really ninjas! and i think that that pic u found? welcometo old clubpenguin? yea im pretty sure that it wus the old night club, well, as sure as u can b wen u’ve only read about it

  55. Mileyroxfan1234532 Says:

    If you be a ninja,will that be hacking?

    Editor’s Comment: Yes.

  56. LF1 Says:

    hey cool site i like the pics most the animations hey visit my site and comment

  57. cpperson Says:

    dude i know how to get a mini sized penguin without down loading you just use paint its pretty cool if you want to know how just ask me

  58. cpperson Says:

    hey dude how do you do the click here thing

    Dude1t: Which one?

  59. cpperson Says:

    you know you said for more about penguin chat click here i dont get it

    Dude1t: I used a special code.

  60. navy tiger 5 Says:

    i get the i rock one… you rock on the pony…. haha…

  61. Coral224 Says:


  62. cpperson Says:

    dangit i wish i new the speacial code 😦

  63. cpperson Says:

    i know a better code. press crl alt down….. mwhahahahaha you just flip the screen

  64. melissa Says:

    he he he so silly

  65. miroos Says:


  66. speedie97 Says:

    amazingly amazing!!!!!!!

  67. Austrish Says:

    I added your pictures on my site…. i hope you don’t mind. (i gave all the credit to you)

  68. ahmed Says:

    hahahahahahahahahahahaha shut up all fuckyou billybob

  69. Kanybek202 Says:

    Awesome pics DUDE1T!!!!!!!I met Rockhopper dude hui is super!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  70. kristina Says:

    cool website

  71. kennicott Says:


  72. mikalily97 Says:

    far out pics dude they rock

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