Nutrition: Quest Bars

I love sports bars, nutrition bars, whatever you want to call them. However, I have been looking for a bar that has less sugar, more protein, more flavor, that’s filling but not too filling, and overall nutritious.

I recently discovered Quest Bars and I don’t know why it took me so long! I have tried a lot of nutrition bars and Quest Bars, by far, beat the competition.

Why I became a Quest Bar junkie:

1. I CAN GET MY CHOCOLATE FIX: Quest Bar has so many flavors. Flavors like Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough or Chocolate Brownie that are almost like eating a candy bar. However, they have about 20 grams of protein and loads of fiber. And are under 200 calories! With only 1 gram of sugar. It is truly amazing. If you heat up Chocolate Brownie in the microwave for 15 seconds, it will taste like an actual brownie!



2. THEY ARE SIMPLE: Simple meaning, I can put one in my purse or backpack and be ready to go. I don’t have to worry about them melting in the heat and making a mess, like most bars that have chocolate.


APPLE PIE! While at work!

3. THEY ARE SATISFYING: Quest Bars are great for anyone who doesn’t want to mindlessly snack. If I eat one for breakfast with a banana, my stomach doesn’t even think about food. My mind isn’t distracted by hunger so I can get more work done. They don’t make you feel overly full either. I feel satisfied and healthy after eating a Quest Bar.

4. THEY ENERGIZE ME FOR RACING: I would eat a Quest Bar before a Paddleboard Race and I wouldn’t get hungry while racing or feel like I over ate. It was the perfect balance. Just drink some water with it and eat it an hour and a half before race time and you’ll be ready to go! I only tested it before running, playing tennis, and paddleboarding but I think it will energize you for any sport. It is also great for after racing. After a race, I feel kind of sick because my body has just worked so hard but I know I need to get something in me, so I eat a Quest Bar to help the recovery process.

Quest Bars fuel me for paddle boarding

Quest Bars fuel me for paddle boarding

5. THEY ARE HEALTHY: With only 1 gram of sugar, 20 grams of protein, less than 200 calories, about 19 grams of Fiber and roughly 5 ingredients, Quest Bars are truly incredible. Nowadays, it is difficult to find simple nutrition facts but not with Quest Bars.

Nutrition Facts

Nutrition Facts

6. THEY TASTE BETTER THAN ANY OTHER BAR I HAVE TRIED: I am serious. I liked every flavor. I have my favorites but with such a variety, if you are picky about chocolate, fruit, peanut butter, coconut, etc. you’ll sure find a flavor that you love! I don’t like anything coconut but I tried Coconut Cashew, AND I LIKED IT! I even told myself I wasn’t going to and I did. Same with the Peanut Butter and Jelly flavor. I do not like jelly. Never have! However, I liked this flavor! It wasn’t my favorite but it’s tough to compete against Cookies & Cream.

The one thing I don’t like:

1. THE PRICE: I am a college student and I don’t make a lot of money. I feel bad spending so much money on few little bars. So I only buy Quest Bars when I have important races coming up or a long run. Sometimes, I will just occasionally treat myself. 🙂

After writing this, I realize that if price is the only thing I don’t like, that is silly. I should buy what I want, these aren’t a huge expenditure.

Best Package EVER!

Best Package EVER!

Overall, Quest Bars are amazing! I’m going to work harder now because if I could get sponsored, then all my problems will be solved! I would eat them every day, but I don’t want to spoil myself. When I see people eating them, I get jealous. THAT IS HOW GOOD THEY ARE!

You will become #addicted.

For more on Quest Bars:

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6 Healthy Tips to Bring to the Restaurant

Eating out is supposed to be fun but for some it is more stressful because they think it will mess up their diet. Don’t make it stressful. If you are dieting and want to lose weight or if you just want to maintain weight and healthy lifestyle, here are some easy tips for what to do while eating out.

1. Stay Away From The Bread. To make this step easy, tell the server not to bring any bread to your table (if your

Olive Garden Breadsticks… 150 calories per one

table agrees with this suggestion). That is the easiest solution. However, if they do  bring it, all it takes is self control. But if you are out to eat, don’t stress. If it’s your favorite bread then have a slice, just don’t have a meal of bread before your actual meal. Also, if you have a slice do not load it up with butter. Have the power to tell yourself that you don’t need the bread.

Here are some examples of the bread at restaurants in the U.S. and how many extra calories that bread contains:

  • 1 Olive Garden Garlic Breadstick with Butter: about 150 calories
  • Outback Bread Loaf with Butter: about 470 calories. Remember: Those loafs aren’t very big.
  • Small Loaf of Bread at Carrabba’s: about 500 calories and the bread dipping sauce: about 50 calories

2. Drink Water.  It’s free and has 0 calories. It’s perfect! Also, beverages can get expensive. Drink water before your meal, during, and after. Since it’s free, don’t worry about refills, drink up! It’s good to stay hydrated and to keep your stomach a little fuller. Even while you are waiting for your meal and just starring at that bread, with your stomach growling, just drink water. It will give your stomach a distraction.

3. Avoid Appetizer’s. Appetizer’s to me are pointless. Nowadays, the entree’s are so large that an appetizer seems ridiculous to get. I don’t like to go to a restaurant and be full before I get my actual meal. If you must get one, then share it. Do not eat all by yourself. So many extra calories.

4. How To Choose An Entree. Look for entree’s that are not fried and DO NOT get french fries as a side.

A healthy and delicious side choice

Look to order something that is grilled or baked. And when picking sides for your entree look for vegetables, rice,  or a side salad (with light dressing). Restaurants offer many healthy choices, you just have to be smart enough to look for them and order them. Also, if you know the restaurant that you are going to, look up the menu beforehand and you can also look up how many calories are in each item. That will prepare you for a healthy meal out.

Look for menu’s like this (this link will take you to the Carrabba’s menu)! This menu tells you the serving size, calories, total fat, carbs, and protein.

Olive Garden Venetian Chicken is a healthier entree choice

5. You Don’t Have To Eat It All… To-go box it! To-go boxes are great. Many people finish their meal because they don’t want to waste it. So now you don’t have to keep eating even when you are full. You can save your extra’s and bring them home! Eat slow and take frequent sips of water so when you feel yourself starting to get full, push your plate a little bit away from you. Don’t eat more than your body needs.

6. Share Dessert. I love dessert but after my meal, I know I don’t need to eat more. However, if you can’t resist, share it with the table! Dessert’s are usually sharing size anyways so that makes it easy. Take 2-3 bits, satisfy your sweet tooth, and be done.

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Going out is meant to be fun. So don’t get stressed out about what to eat. It’s easy to stay on track while on diet. All it takes is some smart choices. If you are wanting to lose weight, and if you want it bad enough, you will choose the healthier choices. It’s all up to you.

9 Healthy Snacks That Won’t Spoil Your Dinner

Smart snacking is the goal for many of us. We want foods to keep us on track but foods that will also satisfy that craving. The gap between lunch and dinner can be tough. And instead of overeating at dinner, we should eat snacks that help control our hunger. The best snacks contain fiber and protein. Here are a few snack options that will satisfy your hunger until dinner.

1. Peanut Butter and Apples. Apples contain Vitamin C, fiber and potassium. Also, peanut butter contains protein, fiber, Vitamin E and other nutrients. Be careful on what peanut butter you buy though, some are better for you then others. Some variations to this snack are apples and cheese or bananas and peanut butter.

2. Trail Mix: Almonds, pretzels, chocolate (just a little), dried fruit, raisins. You can mix these items however you like. Make it your perfect mix. Or you could opt for a trail mix bar. Make sure your dried fruits don’t add any unnecessary sugars. I also prefer dark chocolate. Having just a little bit of dark chocolate a day can actually be healthy since it contains antioxidants. Remember to eat in moderation because nuts like almonds or walnuts contain many calories. Just eat enough to give your body the energy it needs.

3. Pretzels/Crackers with Hummus. There are a lot of different foods you can eat with hummus, veggies like carrots or cucumbers, go great too. Hummus is made of chickpeas. Chickpeas have no saturated fat, no cholesterol, and they are high in protein. Hummus is a great healthy snack to go to.

4. Fruit Salad. Making a great mix of a variety of fruits is a great meal. Pick your favorites and make a bowl. You cannot go wrong with fruit.

5. Popcorn. It is quick and easy. Also, a 100-calorie pack will keep you track. Just make sure it’s not covered in butter and salt. But popcorn kernels are actually whole grain and contain fiber so it will help you feel full longer. Also, there is more popcorn then you think in 100 calories.

6. Smoothies. These can be very low in calories and very delicious. You can throw in all your favorite fruits. I like to include orange juice and sometimes fat-free yogurt. Smoothies are fun because there is no wrong way to make one. You can use what you want and make it your own. Just if you don’t want to spoil dinner, don’t use too many ingredients because then your smoothie will big and filling.

7. Cereal with Skim Milk. Pick a cereal high in fiber and low in sugar, there are plenty of great tasting cereals that do this. They are whole grain and keep you full. And just have a little bowl. This isn’t a meal… remember it’s just a snack.

8. Toast. If you use the right kind of bread and butter this is a great choice. I love having whole wheat bread with just a little bit of butter and I finish it off by sprinkling a little bit of cinnamon sugar. But toasted bread with peanut butter is also a good choice. Just don’t douse the bread in butter and make sure to eat whole wheat bread. Another option scrambling one egg and making a quick egg sandwich using one slice of bread.

9. Fruit S’mores. Take graham crackers and replace the marshmallows with yogurt and thechocolate with fruit. So maybe slice up some strawberries and put them with vanilla yogurt in between two graham crackers. I think it would be really good to try this: Melt some chocolate morsels and make a spread to put on one graham cracker. Use a very thin layer, this will be way less chocolate then you put on a regular s’more and then use a banana slice as the marshmallow and place that between two graham crackers. You can get creative. You don’t even have to use graham crackers, maybe you would want to try vanilla wafers or a type of biscuit cracker instead of graham cracker.

Snacks can have many varieties to them. I like to find new foods that taste great together. These snacks are some of my favorites. If you have any of your own, please share them in a comment!

Crazy for Coconut Water?

Coconut water is a fairly new phenomena. I see people drinking it in class, while playing sports and after a workout. I see it everywhere!  I don’t know much about coconut water so I did some research to see what exactly all the hype is about…

What is coconut water? 

Coconut water is the liquid found inside young green coconuts before they mature… not those brown hairy coconuts that we are used to seeing in the grocery stores.

The coconut water doesn't come from coconuts that look like this

What are the benefits and nutrients?

Coconut water is 99% fat free, contains about 46 calories per serving(one cup) and low in carbohydrates. The great thing about coconut water is that it is high in Potassium. In about one cup of coconut water, you get just the same or more Potassium then in a banana. I play tennis and to help prevent cramps I eat banana’s. However, coconut water seems to get more done. It helps replenish the body with much needed electrolytes, helps the body stay hydrated, and reduces the risks of cramps. From brand to brand, nutrients vary slightly. But coconut water generally also contains Magnesium, Calcium and Sodium.

Is coconut water all natural?

Coconut water is not like your average sports drink or refreshment. Coconut water contains about 6 grams of sugar per serving, however, this sugar is an all natural sugar … not that artificial sugar that is put in most beverages and processed food.

Does coconut water contain vitamins?

Yes, coconut water does have vitamins! The main vitamins found in coconut water are Vitamin C and B Vitamins. Vitamin C helps strengthen your immune system. Helping to prevent you from illness that could disrupt your daily life. Each cup of coconut water contains about 5.8 mg of Vitamin C. Also, B Vitamins help boost metabolism, which is great for the many people interested in weight loss. Some B Vitamins found in coconut water are B6, Thiamin (B1), Folate (B9), and Riboflavin (B2).

Coconut water is also a natural diuretic and contains dietary fiber.

Some examples of coconut water found in stores

Which increases urine flow. It is good to increase this because it will help to cleanse your body of toxins. Having a diet rich in fiber is also good for cleaning your system. In one cup of coconut water, there is about 3 grams of dietary fiber.

Where do I get coconut water?

It is found in many grocery stores such as Whole Foods, and you can drink it straight from the coconut! Also, before purchasing a brand(there are so many to choose from), always check out the nutrition label to make sure you are getting precisely what you are looking for.

Any other uses for coconut water?

In the past, coconut water has actually been used as a replacement for plasma in blood transfusions. This works because it is pure, accepted by the body, does not produce heat, and does not destroy red blood cells.

Coconut water seems like a good choice to me! And with it being so pure and natural, I’m sure people of all ages could give it a try. It  has many benefits to you and your body. Also, if you like the taste, just like so many other people

The Skinny on Soda


Doesn’t matter if it’s regular or diet soda, soda is still soda. There is a lot of uncertainty with what exactly soda does to our bodies. There are so many variables and everyone’s body’s are different so it’s hard to say. We all have our own opinions but I think of drinking soda like smoking cigarettes. Neither of these activities have health benefits and they both seem rather pointless. I didn’t perform the studies that indicate diet soda being bad for you but all I have to say is I don’t see how it can be any good. I would just stop drinking it. If you want something with zero calories just drink water. Also, diet may say zero calories but it can still make you overweight. Even if you have always been drinking soda and it has never made you gain weight, you should just step back and think. It could still be hurting your insides and everything you can’t see. Here are some thoughts on soda and why you should avoid it altogether.

1. Obesity. Soda is full of sugar and regular soda adds calories without making a person feel full. Soda is just calories with no nutrients. I think of it as liquid candy. For example, gummy bears in a drink form. Diet soda may not have any calories but it still triggers appetite, which is definitely something you don’t want while dieting. Some say that artificial sweeteners trigger appetite and prevent brain cells sending a signal establishing that you are full. Also, if you don’t want to feel fat, stay away from soda because it bloats you and makes your waistline bigger.

2. Kidney Issues. Soda contains a lot of phosphoric acid which has been linked to kidney stones. I just don’t want anyone to have to deal with this so to make sure, let’s just stay away from soda!

3. Reproductive Issues. Soda is often found in plastic bottles. Plastic bottles contain BPA(bisphenyl-A) which is a cancer causing chemical that can cause premature puberty and reproductive abnormalities. I guess this isn’t the soda’s fault but bottles aren’t good for the environment anyways. So another reason to stay away from soda.

4. Heart Disease. Soda is loaded with sugar. Making you have a sugar overload whenever you drink it. This is definitely something no one should do. These drinks may be influencing heart disease risk factors even if people don’t gain weight. Daily blasts of too-high blood sugar can disrupt metabolism in several ways. High sugar levels increase triglycerides, lower good cholesterol and prompt the body to make an especially damaging, smaller molecule of bad cholesterol. Too much sugar also raises levels of inflammation, another risk factor heart disease.

5. Increased Risk for Diabetes. I actually think that diet soda isn’t singly increasing your risk for diabetes. Many people who drink soda are already overweight so they drink more diet soda so they feel like they are doing better for themselves by not drinking the regular soda. Soda isn’t the determining factor in causing diabetes but if you are overweight, you are more likely to develop diabetes. So I suggest exercising, rather then saving some calories by drinking diet soda. Just stay away from the artificial sweeteners. Pick up a water.

Just a chart on what soda may be doing to you

There’s a lot of controversy over if any of this is really true but I never drink soda so that makes it easy on me because now I don’t have to worry about it. I like to get benefits from what I’m eating or drinking so I choose water, juice or milk whenever I get thirsty. It takes 21 days to make a habit so if you are up for the challenge, try going 21 days without soda. If you feel the need to go back to drinking it because you MUST HAVE SODA in your life then I guess go back to drinking it. I can’t make you do anything. All I want you to do is just remember some of the things mentioned above.

7 Healthy Desserts That Will Satisfy That Craving

I love dessert. After dinner, I’m guilty of looking in my freezer for ice cream or for anything sweet. This isn’t good. Especially if you are trying to lose weight and get your dream body. I have found some healthy alternatives that will satisfy your sweet tooth. These desserts seem to work for me… and they don’t ruin my eating healthy plan!

These look amazing!

1. Popsicles. Popsicles are great because they can me made by you, for you. You decide what they are made out of. And they are very easy to make. My favorite is pouring orange juice into a plastic cup and sticking it in the freezer. So good and healthy! But you can blend strawberries, blueberries, pineapple, or anything! Get creative. Try new flavors. Also, if you are all out of popsicle sticks just make an italian ice. Then eat it with a spoon once it’s frozen. It’s the same thing just not on a stick. If you don’t want to make them just go to the supermarket. Healthy popsicles are almost everywhere. If you want chocolate, go for a fudgsicle. One fudgsicle only has about 60 calories. 60 calories won’t set you back. the nutritional value isn’t much but if you have a chocolate craving this is one that won’t make you guilty. Heres the recipe of the popsicles in the picture!

2. Pudding. It will really help satisfy that chocolate craving. In one serving of sugar free Jell-O pudding there’s only 60 calories. Also, try freezing pudding to make a delicious popsicle. I enjoy eating my pudding with pretzels. If you dip the pretzel in the pudding, it’s basically like eating chocolate covered pretzels. Love it.

Parfaits are sweet, delicious and healthy!

3. Parfaits. Once again, these can be made with the ingredients you love. You pick the yogurt, fruit, granola, or anything else you would like to go in it. Parfaits are very filling and nutritious. I like to get my favorite flavor of fat-free yogurt with strawberries, blueberries, and cereal (like Cheerios or Special K) for the granola. Then, I make some layers of those ingredients in a cup and eat it all up. So good. And healthy for you!

4. Jello. Jello is very low in calories. It doesn’t have much nutritional value but it has that sugar boost you are looking for. Jello is definitely a late night snack that won’t ruin your healthy diet.

5. Mousse. Chocolate, raspberry, blueberry, strawberry or any other type of mousse is sure to hit that craving. It’s so light and fluffy. It will be just what you need to fill up your stomach before bed.

Delicious Chocolate Sorbet

6. Sorbet. If you are like me and love ice cream, sorbet is not far from the taste you love. There are so many different flavors, even chocolate. All 150 calories or less. Chocolate sorbet is a great alternative to ice cream. Have a cup or sorbet instead of having a cup of ice cream. You will be saving many calories. And I am a chocolate lover so it’s nice to know I can still have something.

Angel food cake

7. Angel Food Cake. This cake is so good. If you have never tried it, I suggest you do. And you will be happy to know that it’s low in calories, probably less then 150 depending on the size of your slice. Angel food cake is delicious and very light. It won’t weigh you down.

You may love a low calorie dessert that I didn’t include in this list and that’s fine. But these are some of my favorites. I just thought of Chocolate Covered Frozen Bananas! Those are also a good choice! You may like a few of these ideas but a few is all you need. You shouldn’t have to give up dessert. You only live once so don’t give up completely on foods you love. As long as they are eaten in moderation they won’t hurt you. I hope some of these will help you on your way to achieving your goal. Also, I hope I didn’t stir up any cravings but if you get one… remember to be smart about it.