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Floor Selector

Floor Selector

Unsure of what performance floor is right for you? Use our Floor Selector tool for guidance on selecting the best Harlequin floor to meet your needs.

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Harlequin Floors has been an integral visual partner for our company, EventWorks4D for many years. As the producer and A/V integrator of the Pro Football Hall of Fame Festival, Gold Jacket Presentation, we have utilized Harlequin Hi-Shine to enhance the staging for this prestigious professional football event.

Joel Solloway
President, EventWorks4D, LLC

Utilizing Harlequin Floors in our studios is one of the intentional ways we invest in the wellbeing and dreams of the diverse professional artists and budding dancers we serve.

Marcellus Harper
Executive Director & Co-Founder, Collage Dance Creative

Harlequin Floors emerged as the clear choice, aligning perfectly with our values and aspirations.

Robin Antin
Co-Owner, Playground LA & Playground Downtown

My association with Harlequin Floors spans well over two decades, connected not only to my roles on stage as a performer, but also to my roles behind the scenes. In both cases, Harlequin has always provided an excellent product and one with personalized customer service.

Ethan Stiefel
Artistic Director, American Repertory Ballet