Jay's Hybrid Orchid Photo Page SITE LAST UPDATED 4/23/98
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  • Catanoches Pfahl's Folly
  • Cychnoches lodgesii X Catasetum expansum were crossed to produce this hybrid registered by Jay Pfahl in 1997. This is my first registered orchid cross! It was accepted as a primary hybrid by the Royal Horticultural Society on 10/17/97.

    Click Alliances Below to see hybrid photos within that group.
    Bletinae Bulbophyllinae Catasetum Cattleya Cymbidium Dendrobium Oncidium
    Paphiopedilum Pleurothallidinae Vanda Zygopetalum

    Bletiinae Subtribe The Tribe Arethuseae is made up of three subtribes, with the others being, Sutribe Arethusinae and Subtribe Sobraliinae. The Subtribe Bletiinae includes, Arundina, Bletia, Bletilla, Calanthe, Calopogon, Chysis, Coelia, Dilochia, Ipsea, Phaius, Spathoglottis, and Tainia.

    Phaiocalanthe This new genus is the product of crossing Calanthe with Phaius. They like to be potted and prefer a warm shady and wet clime.

    1. Phaius x Calanthe
    2. Fred Fuchs did this cross soon before his death, but the species names were lost with him.

      Phaius SUBFAMILY Epidendroideae, TRIBE Arethuseae, SUBTRIBE Bletiinae.

    3. Phaius Gravesiae
    4. This hybrid is a cross of Phaius grandifolius and Phaius wallichii and was registered in 1898.

    Bulbophyllinae Subtribe The Subtribe Bulbophylinae is made up of Bulbophyllum, Cirrhopetalum ,Ione, Sunipia and Trias. The Bulbophylinae is the largest and most widespread of the orchid subtribes. Found in most all of tropical areas of the world, they are known for their hinged moving parts of their lips that trap bugs temporarily so as to attach the pollina to their backs. They then fly off to rummage around on another flower where they are trapped again thereby placing the pollina in the stigmatic cavity causing germination which in turn produces seed within the ovary of the flower. The flowers have the foot of the column which is hinged attached to the labellum so the flower has a moving part which bobs, weaves, jiggles or jumps in the slightest breeze. They are sympodial psuedobulbs with one - two leaves, closely or far spaced on the rhizome. Most bulbos like wooden slat baskets with some treefern and sphagnum as potting media. They like semi shade and medium fertilizing and lots of water until after flowering when it is lessened.

    Bulbophyllum SUBFAMILY Epidendroideae, TRIBE Dendrobieae, SUBTRIBE Bulbophyllinae. The largest genus of orchids with over 1200 species it is also the most geographically diverse. It is found in all tropical areas on earth and is quite diverse in its flower morphology as well.The flowers have the foot of the column which is hinged attached to the labellum so the flower has a moving part which bobs, weaves, jiggles or jumps in the slightest breeze. They are sympodial psuedobulbs with one - two leaves, closely or far spaced on the rhizome. Most bulbos like wooden slat baskets with some treefern and sphagnum as potting media.

    1. Cirrhopetalum Daisy Chain
    2. This cross contains the parentage of Cirrhopetalum makoyanum and Cirrhopetalum amesianum and was registered by Stewart in 1969.

    Catasetum Alliance This group is the subtribe Catasetinae of the Tribe Gongoreae and consists of the following genera. Catasetum, Clowesia,Mormodes.

    Catasetum There are 70 species in this natural genus spread from Mexico to Argentina and the West Indies of this deciduous fleshy psuedobulb with eight to twelve leaves. The inflorescence starts at the base of the psuedobulbs and may be erect or pendulous with male or female flowers . The male flowers are characterized with the ability to eject their pollina up to eight feet from the plant. A good photo of the differences between the two sex's flowers can be seen NEW here. PLEASE NO PLANTS UNDER THE AGE OF 21! as these photos are explicit. The female flower can be seen with the male pollina in it's stigmatic cavity [see#1 in photo]. The male flower in the upper right of the picture shows that it has ejected it's pollina [see#2 in photo], first in that it is missing it's pollinarium and second by the limp colorless look of the flower in general as compared to the flower below [see #3 in photo]

    The next photo that can be seenNEW here, shows a dried female flower [See #2 in photo] 1 day after a sucsessful encounter with a male pollina, next to a non impregnated flower [see#3 in photo]. Note the swollen ovary [#1 in the photo] which is actually the stem of the flower. Here is where the seed will develop and in 3-4 months the seed will be mature and the capsule will dry and break open spilling the seed to the wind.

    1. Catasetum discolor x Catasetum saccatum
    2. Photo courtesy of Jeff Aguillon
    3. Catasetum Truley Treasure
    4. Catasetum Dragon's Treasure X Catasetum trulla make this 1996 hybrid registered by Margolis.
    5. Catasetum Kengar
    6. This cross has Clowesia rosea and Catasetum Rebecca Northen in its background and was registered by Fielder in 1984. It is a summer and fall bloomer and is quite fragrant. It also has hermaphroditic flowers.
    7. Catasetum Orchidglades 'Jack Of Diamonds'
    8. Catasetum pileatum and expansum are combined to produce this J&S registered cross made in 1974.

      Catanoches The crossing of Catsetum with Cycnoches makes the new genus Catanoches.

    9. Catanoches Pfahl's Folly
    10. Cycnoches lodgesii X Catasetum expansum were crossed to produce this hybrid registered by Jay Pfahl in 1997. This is my first registered orchid cross! It was accepted as a primary hybrid by the Royal Horticultural Society on 10/17/97.


    11. Stanhopea Assidensis
    12. Photo courtesy of Dale and Deni Borders

      This plant is a hybrid, possibly naturally occurring of S. wardii and S. tigrina but by man it was registered in 1922 by Goldschmidt.


    Cattleya Alliance HybridsThis group is actually a part of the Tribe Epidendreae called the subtribe Laeliinae and contains the following genera which can all be crossed with one another to produce new genera. Alamania, Amblostoma, Anacheilium, Barkeria, Brassavola, Broughtonia, Cattleya, Cattleopsis, Caularthron [Diacrum], Dimerandra, Diothonaea, Domingoa, Encyclia, Epidanthus, Epidendrum, Hagsatera, Hexadesmia, Hexisea, Isabelia, Isochilus, Jacquiniella, Laelia, Laeliopsis, Lanium, Leptotes, Myrmecophilia, Ngeliella, Neocogniauxia, Nidema, Oerstedella, Ponera, Psychilus, Rhyncholaelia, Scaphyglottis, Schomburgkia, Sophronitella, Sophronitis, and Tetramica.

    Brassavola SUBFAMILY Epidendroideae, TRIBE Epidendreae, SUBTRIBE Laeliinae. Seventeen species spread throughout the tropical lowland Americas are most heavily fragrant at night and generally have a citrus smell. They have a single apical subterete leaf on a pencil like psuedobulb and flower as a rule in spring and summer. They are allied with the Cattleyas and are used extensively in hybridizing. They are the "B" in BLC on many orchid hybrids that are commonly grown.

    1. Brassavola nodosa X Brassavola martiana
    2. Brassocattleya This new genus was created by crossing a Brassavola plant with a Cattleya. Culturally it is treated the same as Cattleya and does best in a pot.

    3. BC Binosa 'Lynn' x C Penny Kuroda 'Spots' HCC/AOS
    4. BC Frank Grezafi 'Orchid Jungle'
    5. Cattleya Mary Grezaffi is combined with Brassavola nodosa to create this Grezaffi registered cross made in 1982.
    6. BC Star Ruby 'Xanadu'
    7. -- Brassavola nodosa and Cattleya Batalinii create this Moir registered cross from 1965.

      Brassolaeliocattleya This genus came about with the crossing of three genera, Brassavola, Laelia and Cattleya. This genus prefers pot culture and can be variable in it's temperature, light and watering schedule.

    8. BLC Chinese Beauty 'Sun Moon Beauty'
    9. Cattleya Moscombe and BLC Sunset Bay are the parents of this Chuang Mao Tsun registered cross from 1983.
    10. BLC Gohl Lee 'Golden Doll'
    11. BLC Golden Slippers and Brassavola nodosa are united to form this 1974 cross registered by Stewart Inc.
    12. BLC Greenwich 'Frozen Daquiri'
    13. Registered in 1968 by Rod McLellan it is a cross between LC Ann Folis and BLC Lester McDonald.
    14. BLC Hawaiian Treat
    15. LC Trick Or Treat X BL Richard Mueller 'Orchidheights' are combined to make this H&R registered cross from 1989.
    16. BLC Keowee 'Richard Killian'
    17. This hybrid registered in 1975 by Carter and Holmes combines LC Loraine Shirai and Brassavola nodosa.
    18. BLC Lahaina Novelty
    19. Brassavola perrinii is crossed with BLC Waikiki Gold to produce this 1985 registered hybrid by Aotaki.
    20. BLC Lake Jocasse
    21. BLC Warchant and LC Maria Ozzella make this C&H registered cross from 1986.
    22. BLC Memoria Vida Lee
    23. LC Brazilian Treasure 'Orchidglade' X Brassavola nodosa make up this 1986 registered cross by Huan Bui.
    24. BLC Ports of Paradise 'Emerald Isles' FCC/AOS
    25. BLC Fortune and Brassavola digbyana are crossed to perfect this 1970 Stewart Inc. hybrid.
    26. BLC Toshie Aoki 'Robin'
    27. Both BLC Faye Miyamoto and Waianae Flare are in this 1980 cross, registered by Tharp.

      Cattleya SUBFAMILY Epidendroideae, TRIBE Epidendreae, SUBTRIBE Laeliinae. A genus comprised of 48 species interspersed throughout tropical South America, prized for their large showy flowers, coveted for their gene pool, they and their generic alliance, ie. Brassavola, Laelia etc, represent the majority of orchids raised in this century. They are by and large intermediate growers and are best raised in pot culture although by no means mandatory, as in my hot environment they are best mounted on driftwood. They are recognized by their cylindrical psuedobulbs, apical thick leaves and a sheathed racemose inflorescence, giving rise to majestic large showy flowers. They are found at the top of the tallest trees in old wet forests at lower elevations. As such they require ample air circulation and regular fertilizing and watering with a short rest after blooming.

    28. Cattleya Fascelis
    29. This is an early hybrid done by Veitch in 1900 . He is the father of hybriding and he crossed Cattleya aclandiae and bicolor to make this primary hybrid common even today.
    30. Cattleya Little Dipper 'Orglades Smooch'
    31. Cattleya Angelwalker X Batalini make this Hanajima's cross registered in 1982.
    32. Cattleya Penny Kuroda 'Spots' HCC/AOS
    33. Cattleya Summer Show and guttata make this 1976 registered cross by Hernlund.
    34. Cattleya Porcia 'Cannizarro' FCC/AOS
    35. Cattleya Portia var. coerulea
    36. Cattleya Princess Bells X Cattleya aclandiae
    37. Cattleya Sophia Martin X Northenara Rebecca
    38. This cross has Cattleya, Epidendrum, Laelia and Schomburgkia all combined to make a large plant with long, many flowered, 3 to 4 foot spikes. It is an amazingly different plant and I highly recommend it. Mine has died in the mean time and if anyone knows where this cross or Northenara Rebecca can be obtained please e-mail me.
    39. Cattleya Walkerinter
    40. Cattleya walkeriana X Cattleya intermedia are combined to make this cross registered by Goshima in 1985.

      Cattleytonia Cattleytonia is the product of the two genera Broughtonia and Cattleya. These plants do well in pots or mounted on wood.

    41. Cattleytonia Brandi
    42. This cross is a combo of Cattletonia Rosy Jewel and and Keith Roth and was registered by Richella in 1982.
    43. Cattleytonia Keith Roth 'Kodama'
    44. This primary cross between Cattleya bicolor and Broughtonia sanguinea was registered in 1966 by Fields Orchids and is a major player in Cattletonia crosses.
    45. Cattleytonia Keith Roth X LC Wayndora 'Lea'
    46. Cattleytonia Maui Maid
    47. Registered in 1984 by Fielder this cross is made by Cattleya Hawaiian Variable and Broughtonia sanguinea.

      Cookara This genus came about in the eighties anbd is the product of crossing Broughtonia,Cattleya, Diacrium [ syn.Caularthron], and Laelia.

    48. Cookara Tropical Snowflake
    49. A 1990 registered cross by H&R that is made up of Diacrium Snowflake and Cattleytonia Keith Roth.

      Encyclia SUBFAMILY Epidendroideae, TRIBE Epidendreae, SUBTRIBE Laeliinae. The genus is made up of 242 species that spread through all of tropical America including the West Indies. They are epiphites and are found in seasonally dry forests from sea level til 1000 meters. They have apical inflorescences that have flowers smaller than 4 centimeters in diameter. The column has no foot and is not attached to the lip for most of its length, and there are 4 hard pollina attached to the caudicles. These plants are best mounted on branches or tree fern plaques and as a whole do best in intermediate conditions. Encyclia is part of the Cattleya alliance and is used in breeding.

    50. Encyclia bractescens X Encyclia meliosma
    51. Laeliocattleya This genus is comprised of Cattleya and Laelia. These are best grown in pots. Many are minature plants and like intermediate tempertures.

    52. Laelia lucasiana 'Haiku Imp'X SLC Madge Fordice 'Fresno Red'
    53. LC Golddigger 'Buttercup'
    54. LC Red Gold and Cattleya Warpaint perfect this O'dell registered cross from 1974.
    55. LC Buttercup 'Orchidglades Mandarin X Cattleya Interglossa 'Mikkabi'
    56. LC Hawaian Fantasy 'Dora' HCC/AOS
    57. Cattleya Summer Snow and LC Wayndora are the parents of this 1982 Kodama cross.
    58. LC Hunubu Elegance
    59. In 1986 Huan Bui registered this cross between LC Peggy Huffman X C. Penny Kuroda 'Spots'.
    60. LC Mildred Rives "Orchidglades'
    61. Cattleya Rita Renee and LC Bou Philippo are crossed to make this Rives registered cross from 1976
    62. LC Pixie X LC Jungle Elf
    63. LC [Royal Emporer 'Wade' AM/AOS X Peggy Huffman 'Orchidglades'
    64. LC Windchimes
    65. This hybrid is made with LC Derrynane and LC Dinard and was registered in 1878 by Rod McLellan.

      Laeliocatatonia Three genera make up this new genus, Broughtonia, Cattleya and Laelia.

    66. Laeliocatonia Hunabu Flare
    67. LC Peggy Huffman X Cattletonia Keith Roth 'Excelsior' AM/AOS are the parents of this cross registered by Huan Bui in 1984.

      Otaara Brassavola, Broughtonia, Cattleya, and Laelia make up this genus. These plants do best with pot culture.

    68. Otaara Jane Fumiye
    69. -- Cattletonia Keith Roth X BLC Lucky Strike make this 1987 cross registered by Aisaka.
    70. Otaara Thomas de Biase
    71. This is a cross between BLC Sherouse and Cattleytonia Keith Roth and was registered in 1986 by C. de Biase and they bloom often because of all the different parentage.
    72. Otaara Thomas de Biase
    73. Same cross but this one has yellow edging and less velvety texture. This is a good example of how different plants grown from the same seed can be.

      Potinara Potinara is the product of the combinationn of Brassavola, Cattleya, Laelia, and Sophronitus. Large showy corsage type orchids that need intermediate to warm conditions and are best grown in pots.

    74. Potinara Sao Paulo
    75. The cross of LC Odessa and Potinara Gordon Siu make this 1976 J&S Hybrid.
    76. Potinara Scarlet Dynasty
    77. This cross is made up of SC Cleopatra and Potinara Gordon Siu and was registered by Hill in 1968.

      Recchara This hybrid genus is made up of the genera Brassavola, Cattleya, Laelia and Schomburgkia. Beautiful colors and spotting abound in this multiflowered eyecatcher.

    78. Recchara Frances Fox
    79. BLC Polka Dot and Schomburgkia tibicinis make up this hybrid registered in 1985 by G. Spence.

      Schombolaelia Cross Schomburgkia with Laelia and this genus is created. These are larger plants that grow best in warm conditions and mount on wood.

    80. Schomburgkia superbiens X Laelia anceps alba
    81. This plant changes flower color from year to year, and I am not sure why. Some peaople have said it is from light changes but mine has grown in exactly the same position for 8 years. The white variety seems to be the most common with 6 times out of 8.


    82. SC Seagull's Beaulu Queen
    83. SC Beaufort and Cattleya luteola are combines to produce this hybrid registered in 1984 by Seagulls L.O.

      Sophrolaeliocattleya As the name implies this genus has Cattleya, Laelia, and Sophronitus in it's parentage. They are more often intermediate growers than not and enjoy pot culture. This genus has many minature plants due to the influence of Sophronitus.

    84. SLC Alberta Splash
    85. SLC Tangerine Jewel X Cattleya intermedia are the parents of this cross registeed in 1987 by G Crosley.
    86. SLC Aloha Jewel
    87. SLC Tangerine Jewel and Kauai Starbright produce this Woltman cross registered in 1986.
    88. SLC Atomic Cherry
    89. SLC Tangerine Jewel and Laelia Anceps create this 1987 Farnsworth registration.
    90. SLC Chris Barfield
    91. SLC Precious Stones and Lady in Red combine to create this 1983 Coastal Gardens registration.
    92. SLC Coral Mist 'Haiku' X SL Orpetti
    93. SLC Coral Mist 'Haiku' X SL Orpetti
    94. Another example of the variations within seed from the same parents.
    95. SLC Fruit Punch
    96. California Apricot and Rocket Burst are the parents of this hybrid registered by Farnsworth in 1990.
    97. SLC Haiku Kiss
    98. Laelia sincorana and SC Batemaniana Make up this minature registered by Farnsworth in 1990.
    99. SLC Jewel Box 'Dark Waters' AM/AOS
    100. --Cattleya aurauntiaca and SLC Anzac produce this famous hybrid registered by Stewart Inc in 1980.
    101. SLC Our Joy 'Jackpot' HCC/AOS
    102. SLC Salsa and LC Kevin Green are combined to produce this cross registered by A&R in 1981.
    103. SLC Pink Doll
    104. The parents of this cross are SLC Tangerine Jewel and Laelia pumila and it was registered in 1983 by Richella.
    105. SLC Rosemary Clooney
    106. The parents of this hybrid are SLC Rainbow Hill and Laelia flava and was registered by Peters in 1963.
    107. SLC Wendy's Valentine 'June'
    108. This cross is the product of the parents SL Jinn and SLC Paprika and was registered by Wong in 1979.

    Yamadara Brassavola, Cattleya, Epidendrum[Encyclia] and Laelia make up this genus.

    1. Encyclia citrina X BLC Waikiki Gold 'Uno'
    2. This cross has a color change that occurs in the first 3 days, it opens as a green petaled flower and slowly it blushes pink and shows purple veins through the sepals and petals.

    Click Alliances Below to see hybrid photos within that group.
    Bletinae Bulbophyllinae Catasetum Cattleya Cymbidium Dendrobium Oncidium
    Paphiopedilum PleurothallidinaeVanda Zygopetalum
    If you have questions or have a new name or award for any of the plants shown E-mail me atJay Pfahl c/o Neptune Designs.

    Below are other orchid sites that I find useful.

    Other Orchid Sites A great site to link up to all other orchid sites, includes vendors, societies,universities,and book sites.

    Orchid Mall Like above, a location to find many orchid web sites.

    Linda's Orchid Hybrid Abbreviations Ever wonder what the heck BLC or Burr or Alcra stood for? Well here's the spot to fix all that, not only are the correct hybrid names given but also what genera are combined to make such a named hybrid. So BLC becomes Brassavola, Laelia and Cattleya , and Alcra. becomes Aliceara comprised of Brassia, Miltonia and Oncidium. Heady stuff this is, as now you can see why it blooms when it does or if it needs a rest or why the leaves fall off. Try it when you buy a new cross.

    Orchid Digest Photo Exchange Used to e-mail photos to use in conjunction with letters written to Orchid List Digest.

    Orchid List Digest Subscribe Page If you subscribe, every few days a e-mail batch letter will arrive, great way to learn about orchids. Lots of expert advice given to novice and professional. Many appearances by well known published Orchidists.

    Orchid Discussion List Like the Orchid List Digest, and if you subscribe, every few days a e-mail batch letter will arrive, great way to learn about orchids. Lots of expert advice given to novice and professional. Many appearances by well known published Orchidists.

    The Stanhopea Page A list of all the Stanhopea species and photos of many of the species.
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