| Chez Coscovikz  | 2,94MB  Nightlife and University Required

| Tranquile  |      ReadMe with credits         University and Nightlive required

|  Into The South |      1,42 MB   Nightlife and University required!

Alphaville  |        | Readme  with credits|        3,56 MB   Nightlife and University required!

| Contemporary House unfurnished  |    2,4MB  Nightlife and University required!

| Fraser River House unfurnished  |          Nightlife and University required!         7,3MB

| Athenshouse unfurnished  |                  3,2 MB   Nightlife and University required!

^^well actually, it`s me still living in it, so you have to "kill" me first to have the house for your own ;-)

ReflexHouse 3 with furniture    18,5MB

ReflexhouseEmpty     1,58MB


Note* The houses will not show up when you use the cleanInstaller!,

 but if you use the bodyshop installer that came with the game, they

will. I don't know why this is, but I couldn't get them to show up at all,

but when I used the installer that came with the game, they installed without any problems. 

Please note that this time the house with the furniture will appear at

 the bin where houses With families are. Because I´m still living in it;-)

Also note, that if you want to remove "me" from the house, you have

to kill me, otherwise the furniture will disappear.



Credits: The wonderfull windows are from Numenor you can get it HERE

and the beautyful frames of the windows are from  m-sim-o