The Coral Reef Aquarium – Book Cover

by | Jun 20, 2011 | Industry, Photography | 17 comments

The official book cover members and observers are the first to see the official book cover of my soon (very soon) to be released book titled “The Coral Reef Aquarium”.

Congratulations go out to those photographers whose images made it to the front cover of the book.  Michael Moye for contributing two images, one photo is of his Mystery Wrasse (Pseudocheilinus ocellatus) swimming in his 530-gallon reef aquarium, the other of an Orange Spotted Filefish (Oxymonacanthus longirostris) from Jason Edward’s 580-gallon reef, both located in Connecticut.  An image of a beautiful pink and fuzzy Acropora millepora from Franco Dodaro 116-gallon reef aquarium located in Italy.  From Steve Hurlock’s 1122-gallon reef comes this unbelievable Symphyllia wilsoni, photographed by Jake Adams, located in Colorado.  Lastly, Simon Clark’s three tiers of colorful Montipora sp. growing well in his 560-gallon reef photo by Simon Garratt, located in England.

The writing and design aspect of this book consumed three years of my life and nearly one year in publishing.  Many had the chance to view a demo copy I created of the book at MACNA 2010, and the response was very exciting.  Jake Adams from wrote a great review on the book calling it “The next great book of reefing”.


  1. Randy Donowitz

    I’m super excited for you and for this book. I know how hard you worked on this. Congratulations!


    Tony once again i will say it that picture of the Mertens Carpet is amazing. Perfect example of a the dreary tentacles colors of a mertens and the signature base.

    Makes me wanna get another!!! Congrats

  3. Tony Vargas

    Addition, Simon Clark’s three tiers of colorful Montipora sp. image shot by Simon Garratt.

  4. Felix Bordon

    It looks great Tony, congratulations!

  5. dodarocs

    Congratulations Tony on your new book, for me it was an honor to be part of it.

  6. masterswimmer

    Hey Tony, congrats. This has been a long time coming. We’re very excited to finally see this new bible in print!


  7. 64Ivy

    Adding my congrats as well. Can’t wait.

  8. rotifer

    The book will be a smashing success! When can I download it on my Kindle?
    Randy Reed, Reef Nutrition

  9. Marcin Smok

    Congrats Tony, I can’t wait to grab this book. You shouldm make a pre-order for MR people, I am sure everyone would jump on it:)

  10. coralite

    W00T! the coolest coral picture ever made the cover. Still haven’t seen another wilsoni quite like that one. This is going to be a smoking hot book, can’t wait to see it in full glory.

  11. Bradley J Syphus

    Congrats Tony. I cant wait to pick up one.

  12. tfp

    Tony, the cover looks amazing!  I know you poured your heart and soul into this project. Congrats on getting it done :). 

    Tim Plaza (tfp)
    Folsom, CA

  13. jc-reefs

    Congrats again Tony!!! Your years of hard work is about to pay off! Very much looking forward to its upcoming release.


  14. sgraber

    Any idea when the official publish date will be?

  15. Tony Vargas

    The book will be released in a few weeks, so get ready Two Little Fishies will make an announcement soon!

    The first edition to be released will be the Special Edition.

  16. Amphibious

    Congratulations Tony. Can’t wait to get my hands on a Special Edition copy.


  17. pwhitby

    Cant wait to see it Tony,



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