SOCAP12 connects the world’s pioneering impact investors, social entrepreneurs, philanthropists, civic leaders, and innovators on the same platform. It is an event where one can meet influential strangers, form partnerships, and mobilize resources and capital for good. The event was held from October 1 to 4, 2012.

Key Points

  • Facilitates dialogue between impact investors and entrepreneurs, fostering connections that drive purposeful investment.
  • Provides a platform for capital to be directed towards ventures with meaningful impact, creating a marketplace where values align with financial goals.
  • Cultivates a collaborative environment where meaning and purpose are integral components of market dynamics, ensuring that social and environmental objectives are prioritized alongside financial returns.


The event centers on the theme of impact in various realms, particularly within the context of investment and philanthropy. It aims to explore how meaning and change intersect within markets, with a focus on impact investing, tomorrow’s philanthropy, public sector engagement for impact, early-stage initiatives, deep local connections, tech for social good, market infrastructure, and the reimagining of traditional economic systems. Through discussions, workshops, and deep dive sessions, participants will delve into concrete strategies and solutions to drive meaningful outcomes in these areas. The event encourages collaboration, innovation, and action towards building a more socially and environmentally conscious global economy.


The agenda for the event is packed with opportunities to explore the diverse facets of impact in today’s market landscape. From delving into impact investing and tomorrow’s philanthropy to examining public sector engagement and early-stage initiatives, attendees will uncover strategies for driving meaningful change. With sessions focused on deep local connections, tech for social good, market infrastructure, and reimagining the economy, participants will gain insights into reshaping traditional systems for a more equitable and sustainable future. Additionally, immersive workshops and deep dive sessions offer opportunities for hands-on learning and actionable solutions, ensuring that attendees leave empowered to make a difference in their communities and beyond.

Keynotes & Panelists

SOCAP12 will gather 150+ panelists from around the globe, and here are some key panelists:

  • Jeff Raikes: CEO of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, driving efforts for equity worldwide.
  • Dr. Judith Rodin: President of the Rockefeller Foundation, dedicated to promoting resilience and well-being globally.
  • Majora Carter: Renowned environmental activist and founder of the Center for the Greater Good, known for her work in urban sustainability.
  • Matt Bannick: Managing Partner at Omidyar Network, leading initiatives to address social challenges through innovative investments.
  • Paul Polak: Founder of Windhorse International and pioneer in designing products for those living on less than $2 a day.
  • Luther Ragin, Jr.: CEO of the Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN), dedicated to scaling and enhancing impact investing globally.
  • Álvaro Rodríguez Arregui: Co-Founder and Managing Partner at IGNIA Partners LLC, driving inclusive economic growth in Latin America.
  • Sylvia Earle: Renowned oceanographer and founder of Mission Blue Foundation, advocating for ocean conservation and protection.
  • Don Shaffer: President & CEO of RSF Social Finance, committed to transforming finance for social good.
  • Kevin Starr: Managing Director of Mulago Foundation, dedicated to supporting social entrepreneurs for lasting change.
  • Katherine Fulton: President of Monitor Institute, shaping innovative solutions to social and environmental challenges.
  • Gar Alperovitz: Professor of Political Economy at the University of Maryland, a leading voice in reimagining economic systems.
  • Antony Bugg-Levine: CEO of Nonprofit Finance Fund, driving impact investing to transform communities.
  • Joy Anderson: Founder & President of Criterion Ventures, a visionary force shaping markets for social good.
  • Sasha Dichter: Chief Innovation Officer at Acumen Fund, leading efforts to address poverty through innovative solutions.
  • Michelle Long: Executive Director of BALLE, promoting sustainable and prosperous communities through local entrepreneurship.
  • Jackie VanderBrug: Gender Lens Investing Catalyst, pioneering the integration of gender considerations into investment strategies.
  • John Fullerton: Founder and President of Capital Institute, leading efforts to transform finance for a more just and sustainable economy.
  • John Kohler: Director of Impact Capital at the Center for Science, Technology, and Society, leveraging technology for social impact and sustainability.


SOCAP13 is a world-renowned conference series dedicated to increasing the flow of capital toward social good. SOCAP connects leading global innovators, investors, foundations, institutions, and social entrepreneurs to build this market at the intersection of money and meaning. SOCAP is the world’s most successful social enterprise and impact investing event, and it has attracted more than 5,000 people since it began in 2008. The event was held from September 2 to 5, 2013, at Fort Mason Center in San Fransisco, CA.

Key Points:

  • Discussing holistic health approaches focusing on social determinants like cultural and societal factors.
  • Addressing health challenges and opportunities in both developed and developing countries.
  • Addressing challenges in staying committed to tackling social issues.
  • Presenting the latest research and best practices in impact investing and philanthropy.
  • Blending nonprofit and commercial strategies to challenge societal norms and drive change.


SOCAP’s themes drive social impact and innovation through a diverse range of focus areas. SOCAP: Health emphasizes a holistic approach to well-being by focusing on social determinants such as cultural and societal factors, rather than just medical care. It explores new business models and investment opportunities to address health challenges across developed and developing countries, aiming to improve global wellness. Similarly, SOCAP: Oceans highlights the importance of ocean sustainability. In partnership with the David and Lucille Packard Foundation, this theme seeks to attract diverse stakeholders to innovate in preserving aquatic ecosystems and coastal livelihoods, supporting both existing advocates and new solutions.

SOCAP: Communities explores place-based innovation, showcasing multi-stakeholder solutions that foster stable, grounded communities. It emphasizes the importance of local initiatives for sustainable development. Meanwhile, SOCAP: Meaning delves into the significance of mission-driven work, focusing on the connection between personal mission and social impact. It shares stories of entrepreneurs and leaders to inspire community building and sustained commitment to tackling social challenges. SOCAP: Investing presents the latest in impact investing and philanthropy, highlighting best practices, new initiatives, and lessons learned to ensure investments preserve their mission and impact.

Lastly, SOCAP: Faith and SOCAP: Art cover the roles of faith leaders and artists in social change. SOCAP: Faith gathers diverse religious figures to explore their historical and ongoing contributions to social movements, aiming to empower faith communities in driving economic good. SOCAP: Art showcases artists as entrepreneurs who address social issues through their work, blending nonprofit and commercial strategies to challenge societal norms and effect change. Together, these themes underscore SOCAP’s commitment to multifaceted approaches in achieving social progress.


The agenda of the SOCAP event is to explore and promote innovative solutions across various sectors to drive social impact and sustainability. It focuses on holistic health by addressing social determinants, ocean sustainability by attracting diverse stakeholders, and community development through place-based innovations. The event also emphasizes the significance of mission-driven work, impact investing, and the historical role of faith leaders in social change. Additionally, it highlights the role of artists as entrepreneurs in addressing social issues. Through these diverse themes, SOCAP aims to foster collaboration, share innovations, and inspire action for a more equitable and sustainable world.


  • Dr. Olapeju Adenusi, Managing Director, Hygeia Community Health Care
  • Brahm Ahmadi, CEO, People’s Community Market
  • Robinson Alazraki, Head of Product Development and Purchase, Total Access to Energy Program, Total SA
  • Nancy O. Andrews, President and CEO, Low Income Investment Fund
  • Harsha Angeri, Sr. GM & Lead – Strategy & Business Development, Bosch India
  • Na’alehu Anthony, Co-Founder & CEO, Oiwi TV
  • Evelyn Arce, Executive Director, International Funders for Indigenous People
  • Mark Arnoldy, Executive Director, Nyaya Health
  • Patricia Atkinson, Vice President, Health Systems, Marie Stopes International
  • Alloysius Attah, Co-founder/CEO, Farmerline
  • James Ayers, Senior Global Marketing Technical Advisor, Population Services International


SOCAP14 brings together global innovators, investors, foundations, governments, institutions, and social entrepreneurs to build the world we want to leave to future generations. We actively seek out opportunities to accelerate the market at the intersection of money and meaning. In pursuit of that goal, we have convened more than 10,000 people since our founding in 2008. The conference took place on September 2nd-5th at Fort Mason Center in San Francisco. 

Key Points

  • Explore recent advancements by entrepreneurs, government, private sector, and leading foundations.
  • Examine the motivations behind efforts to create vibrant communities, including personal experiences, values, faith, and vision.
  • Investigate market opportunities for sustainable and resilient food systems globally and locally.
  • Analyze the shift to a community-driven economic model emphasizing collaboration and access over ownership.
  • Examine how technology, behavioral research, and user-centered design are transforming financial services for the poor.


SOCAP14’s theme is “Igniting Vibrant Communities” and it aims everyone to look for vibrant communities when seeking evidence of successful impact. SOCAP has convened 10,000+ innovators from 70+ countries at the intersection of money and meaning since 2008.


SOCAP14 will feature 200+ of the world’s leading impact speakers, including:

  • Judith Rodin, The Rockefeller Foundation
  • Vineet Rai, Intellecap
  • Katherine Collins, Honeybee Capital
  • Ali Partovi, Angel Investor
  • Fred Blackwell, The San Francisco Foundation
  • Arjan Schütte, Core Innovation Capital
  • Cathy Clark, CASE at Duke
  • Douglas Atkin, Airbnb
  • Adam Werbach, Yerdle
  • Andrea Phillips, Goldman Sachs
  • Rose Broome, Co-founder & CEO, HandUp


SOCAP15 is a world-renowned conference series dedicated to increasing the flow of capital toward social good. We take a unique approach that emphasizes cross-sector convening and gathers voices across a broad spectrum to catalyze unexpected yet impactful connections. The conference was scheduled for October 6 to October 9, 2015.

Key Points

  • Discussions on capital innovations, metrics, and support for high-impact entrepreneurs.
  • Exploring the role of meaning, community, and relationships in driving lasting social change.
  • Addressing the shift towards sustainable investments and the alignment of personal or institutional objectives with impact portfolios.
  • Focusing on local investing, creative placemaking, and cross-sector collaboration to build vibrant and equitable local economies.
  • Identifying the skills needed for success in the impact economy and discussing strategies for training and supporting professionals.


SOCAP15, building on its legacy, emphasizes the theme of innovative investing and entrepreneurship for impact. With a focus on networking and collaboration, the conference expands opportunities for interaction through participatory sessions, sharing inspirational stories, and deep practitioner insights. Attendees engage in dynamic conversations across various sectors such as impact investing, meaning-driven actions, divest/invest strategies, financial inclusion, neighborhood economics, talent development for the impact economy, anticipating future trends, and sustainable supply chains. The conference aims to foster a community committed to creating positive social change through meaningful connections, innovative approaches, and sustainable practices across global and local contexts.


The agenda for SOCAP15 is packed with diverse content aimed at fostering collaboration and innovation in social capital. It includes sessions on impact investing, exploring capital innovations and metrics for high-impact entrepreneurs, as well as discussions on the meaning behind social change and the importance of community, relationships, and long-term impact. Additionally, there are sessions focused on divesting from fossil fuels and investing in sustainable alternatives, promoting financial inclusion through technological advancements, and accelerating capital flow into neighborhoods and rural communities. The agenda also addresses the need for talent development in the impact economy and provides insights into anticipating future trends such as urbanization and sustainable supply chain management. Through a combination of panels, participatory sessions, and networking opportunities, SOCAP15 aims to inspire and equip attendees to drive positive social and environmental change.


For SOCAP15, we are anticipating more than 300 change makers across social entrepreneurs, impact investors, and related thought leaders. Some of them are:

  • Deval Patrick:  Managing Director, Bain Capital
  • Deborah Winshel: Managing Director and Global Head of Impact Investing, BlackRock
  • Bill Drayton: CEO and Founder, Ashoka
  • Cheryl Dorsey: President, Echoing Green
  • Gar Alperovitz: Co-Founder, The Democracy Collaborative, Co-Chair, Next System Project
  • Ann Mei Chang: Executive Director, U.S. Global Development Lab, USAID
  • Arjan Shütte: Founder and Managing Partner, Core Innovation Capital
  • Fran Seegull: Chief Investment Officer and Managing Director, ImpactAssets
  • Xavier Briggs: Vice President, Economic Opportunity and Assets, Ford Foundation
  • Tyler Norris: Vice President, Total Health Partnerships, Kaiser Permanente
  • Becca Stevens: President and Founder, Thistle Farms, Inc.          


SOCAP16 will gather impact investors, social entrepreneurs, foundations, corporations, global nonprofits, and other valuable strangers all contributing to a vibrant marketplace for socially, environmentally and economically sustainable solutions. The conference was scheduled for September 12 to September 16, 2016.

Key Points

  • Discussions explore the potential of neighborhood economics, promoting value exchange and community wealth creation in contrast to traditional market dynamics.
  • SOCAP16 addresses the challenges and opportunities of innovating in cities, emphasizing the role of collaboration in increasing resilience and sustainability.
  • SOCAP16 explores innovative efforts in sustainable food and agriculture, including reducing food waste, promoting food justice, and ensuring equitable access to healthy food.
  • The conference tackles the opportunity gap in entrepreneurship, advocating for a more inclusive ecosystem to unlock solutions from underrepresented communities.


SOCAP16 is poised to explore the forefront of social capital, emphasizing innovative investing and entrepreneurship for impactful change. Attendees converge to network, learn, and share insights, creating a vibrant marketplace for transformative solutions. The conference spotlights recurring themes like impact investing and meaning-driven approaches, while also delving into emerging conversations from the global impact community.

From discussions on inclusive entrepreneurship and neighborhood economics to tackling challenges in cities and advancing clean energy solutions, SOCAP16 addresses diverse facets of social and environmental progress. Sessions delve into the intricacies of sustainable food and agriculture, the significance of local contexts in impact investing, and the imperative of integrating meaning into our actions. By fostering collaboration and dialogue across sectors and geographies, SOCAP16 seeks to catalyze meaningful change and inspire a collective resolve to build a more equitable and sustainable world.


The agenda for SOCAP16 is a dynamic blend of sessions and discussions aimed at exploring and advancing innovative investing and entrepreneurship for social impact. Key themes include impact investing, meaning-driven approaches, neighborhood economics, urban innovation, inclusive entrepreneurship, clean energy solutions, sustainable food and agriculture, and global investment opportunities.

Attendees can expect a diverse range of sessions addressing pressing social and environmental challenges, while also highlighting opportunities for positive change. Through networking opportunities and interactive sessions, SOCAP16 aims to foster collaboration and inspire action among attendees from various sectors and geographic regions. Additionally, the conference provides a platform for entrepreneurs to showcase their solutions and connect with potential partners and investors.


  • Maya Chorengel:  Founder & Managing Director, Elevar Equity 
  • Ed Dugger: President, Reinventure Capital         
  • Nancy Pfund: Managing Partner, DBL Partners
  • Rick Ridgeway: VP of Environmental Affairs, Patagonia
  • Michelle Long: Founding Executive Director, BALLE
  • Jessica Norwood: Founder and Executive Director, Emerging ChangeMakers Network
  • Jed Emerson: Founder, Blended Value
  • Deborah Cullinan: Chief Executive Officer, Cabinet
  • Matthew Weatherley-White: Managing Director, The CAPROCK Group
  • Morgan Simon: Managing Director, Pi Investments       
  • Andrea Armeni: Executive Director, Transform Finance
  • Ashara Ekundayo: Co-Founder, Chief Creative Officer, Impact Hub Oakland 


SOCAP/Europe is the conference where money meets meaning; where investors gather to collaborate and learn from others who are finding a way to invest their money for financial return as well as for the benefit of people and the planet; where entrepreneurs come to find out who has made a breakthrough and who their next partner or next investor could be. The conference was took place from May 30 to June 01, 2010.

Key Points

  • Discussions focus on strategies to expand impact investing into mainstream finance while maintaining mission integrity.
  • Sessions explore funding solutions for intractable problems in developing regions, emphasizing the importance of local solutions and economic empowerment.
  • Insights into the evolving landscape of social enterprise, including discussions on the role of angel networks, lessons from microfinance, and impact investing in independent media.
  • Interactive workshops cover topics like impact measurement, sustainable agriculture models, and debunking myths around capital.


The event theme of Impact Investing revolves around exploring new forms of capital and the global movement of money for social impact. Sponsored by Triodos Bank, the event delves into various aspects of impact investing, from activating inherited wealth to examining government innovation and building sound financial structures. Sessions cover topics such as moving impact investing from niche to mainstream, addressing global issues with local solutions, and transitioning from nonprofit loan funds to for-profit equity funds. Workshops offer interactive sessions on impact measurement and sustainable agriculture models, while case studies showcase innovative enterprises making a difference in the social capital space. Through discussions, workshops, and case studies, Impact Investing at Triodos Bank aims to drive meaningful change and foster collaboration in the realm of social impact investment.


The agenda for the Impact Investing event, sponsored by Triodos Bank, is diverse and comprehensive, covering various aspects of social impact investment. Sessions include discussions on moving impact investing into the mainstream without compromising mission, activating local economies in developing regions, and exploring the changing landscape of government involvement in social finance. Workshops offer interactive sessions on impact measurement and sustainable agriculture models, while case studies provide insights into innovative enterprises pioneering in the social capital space. Overall, the agenda aims to provide attendees with valuable insights, practical tools, and inspiring examples to drive positive change through impact investing.


  • Marilou van Golstein Brouwers, Managing Director, Triodos Investment Management
  • William Foote, Founder and CEO, Root Capital
  • Geoff Mulgan, Director, Young Foundation
  • Vipul Arora, Founder, Solaron Sustainability Services
  • Pål Dale, Co-founder and Managing Director, Voxtra
  • Filippo Addarii, Executive Director, Euclid Network; Director of the International Leadership Development, ACEVO
  • Angela Lawaldt, Investment Director, BonVenture
  • Cliff Prior, Chief Executive, UnLtd
  • Ezra Musoke, Managing Partner, InReturn
  • Harold Rosen, Founder and Executive Director, Grassroots Business Fund (GBF)
  • Jonathan Jenkins, Director of Ventures, UnLtd
  • Rod Schwartz, CEO, ClearlySo
  • Michael Van Patten, Founder and CEO, Mission Markets and Mission Markets Earth LLC
  • Paul Cheng, Senior Investment Manager, CAF Venturesome
  • Lisa Hehenberger, Executive, Nigel Kershaw, Chief Executive, Big Issue Invest
  • Jean-Philippe de Schrevel, Co-founder, BlueOrchard Finance
  • Stewart Craine, Founder, Barefoot Power
  • Jasper Snoek, CFO and Executive Director, DOEN Foundation
  • Thierry Sanders, Founder and Director, BiD Network Foundation
  • Shaun Paul, Co-founder, EcoLogic
  • Suzanne Biegel, CEO, Investor’s Circle
  • Tris Lumley, Executive, New Philanthropy Capital
  • Ajaita Shah, Founder, Frontier Markets
  • Tim Freundlich, President, ImpactAssets / Special Consultant, Calvert Foundation / Managing Partner, Good Capital
  • Anthony Ross, Executive Director, Bridges Ventures
  • Tamzin Ractliffe, CEO, Nexii
  • Martin Rich, Director, Social Finance
  • Patrice Schneider, Chief Strategy Officer, Media Development Loan Fund
  • Pieter Oostlander, Director, Noaber Foundation
  • Natarajan Ishwaran, Director of Ecological and Earth Sciences, UNESCO
  • Felix Oldenburg, Director, Ashoka Europe
  • Gerhard Pries, Founding President and CEO, Sarona Asset Management Inc.
  • Tim Radjy, CEO, AlphaMundi Group
  • Tim Draimin, Executive Director, SiG
  • Stephen Dawson, Chairman and Co-founder, Jacana
  • Brian Walsh, Liquidnet
  • Penelope Douglas, Board President, Hub Bay Area/SOCAP
  • Brigitte Baumann, Founder and CEO, Go Beyond Ltd.
  • Rien van Gendt, Director, Van Gendt Philanthropy Services
  • Jayant Sinha, Managing Director, Omidyar Network
  • Mitchell Lench, Partner, Treetops Capital
  • Arun Gore, Managing Director & Principal, Gray Ghost Ventures
  • Danyal Sattar, Finance Fund Manager, Esmee Fairbairn Foundation
  • Jenny Everett, Associate Director, Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE)

Designing the Future

The SOCAP: Designing the Future Future Interactive Tour took a bus of 25 people to a local Malmö neighborhood, Rosengård. Rosengård has almost 25, 000 inhabitants from 130 different countries. The event was held in May 8-10th 2012.

Key Points

  • Investing that works for people and the planet, linking environmental and social investors in new, holistic partnerships for change.
  • Innovative social enterprise experiments seeking to overcome drastic declines in public funding.
  • Looking at the Baltic Region as a model for sustainable economic, social and environmental development.
  • Family legacy investing- guiding wealthy families across generations to align their investing with their values.
  • Cutting-edge funding models, including crowdfunding, Social Impact Bonds, and layer cake deals that bring together philanthropic, public and impact investors for greater collective impact.

Strategies to scale Impact Investing and Social Enterprise.


The theme “Designing the Future” at the upcoming event encapsulates a multifaceted approach to addressing pressing global challenges. Key themes include promoting inclusion by devising innovative market-based solutions to issues like youth unemployment, immigrant integration, and catering to the needs of an aging population. Moreover, there’s a strong emphasis on fostering a biosphere economy that reconciles environmental sustainability with social progress, advocating for multidisciplinary partnerships to invest within planetary boundaries. The event also focuses on exploring novel public-private partnerships in response to dwindling public funding for social services, particularly evident in Europe, alongside discussions on scaling social enterprises to meet the world’s evolving needs. Through these themes, the event aims to inspire collaboration, innovation, and actionable solutions towards shaping a more equitable, sustainable, and resilient future.


The agenda of the event revolves around four core themes: Inclusion, Biosphere Economy, Public-Private Partnerships, and Scaling Social Enterprise. Inclusion focuses on addressing complex social issues through market-based solutions, while the Biosphere Economy theme aims to integrate environmental sustainability with social progress. Public-Private Partnerships explore innovative models to fill the gap left by declining public funding, especially in Europe. Finally, Scaling Social Enterprise delves into funding models and tools to accelerate the growth of social enterprises to meet global challenges effectively. Through these themes, the agenda seeks to inspire collaboration and innovation towards creating a more equitable and sustainable future.


  • Pål Dale: Co-Founder and Managing Director, Voxtra
  • Geoff Burnand: Chief Executive, Investing for Good
  • Christina Merker-Siesjö: Director, ABF Malmö
  • Arian Ratkoceri: City of Malmö, District Rosengård
  • Anna Wiking: MKB Fastighets AB
  • Alarik von Hofsten: Executive Vice President, Telge AB
  • Fabio Sofia: Director, Symbiotics Group
  • Johannes Weber: Managing Director, Social Venture Fund
  • Hampus Jakobsson: Research in Motion
  • Johan Åkerblom: Sida
  • Martin Rich: Director, Social Finance Ltd.
  • Tania Ellis: Founder, Social Business Club
  • Graham Leicester: Director, International Futures Forum
  • Tobias Edström: Business Models Inc.
  • Audrey Selian: Director, Artha Initiative
  • Shawn Westcott: Chairman, SE Forum
  • Xavier Helgesen: CEO & Co-Founder, Off.Grid:Electric
  • Peter Bjerg: Producer, Supertanker
  • Simon Desjardins: Programme Manager, Shell Foundation
  • Thomas Bisballe: Copenhagen Business Service
  • Nikolaus Hutter: Director, Toniic Europe, Toniic LLC
  • David McConville: President, Buckminster Fuller Institute
  • Ricardo Terán Terán: Co-Founder & Managing Director, Agora Partnerships
  • Emma Rung: Program Director, SE Forum
  • Eva-Lena Skalstad: Executive Director, Lapland Vuollerim
  • Ricardo Pineda: Director of CSR & Sustainability, Compartamos Con Colombia
  • Karin Ruiz: CEO, Peepoople
  • Jurjen van der Tas: Deputy Director, Aga Khan Development Network
  • Ajaita Shah: Founder & CEO, Frontier Markets Consulting Inc.
  • Stephanie Nieman: Director of Developed Market Standards, B Lab / GIIRS
  • Faraz Khan: Social Entrepreneur, Seed Ventures
  • Erik Jansson: Project Leader, Project Bumerang
  • Simon Tucker: Chief Executive, The Young Foundation


SOCAP17 is the world’s leading conference on social capital markets. It aims to bring together social entrepreneurs, impact investors, funders, business leaders, and other innovators and problem solvers from across the world. The conference was held on the waterfront in San Francisco from October 10 to 13, 2017!

Key Points

  • Reflect on SOCAP’s foundational principles and the purpose of capital, ensuring the spirit of impact investing is preserved while adapting for the future.
  • Explore private sector and entrepreneurial solutions to address climate change, emphasizing mitigation and adaptation strategies in the absence of government action.
  • Promote systemic change to ensure fair, just, and equitable solutions in impact investing by engaging diverse communities and applying equity, diversity, and gender lenses to capital.
  • Coordinate efforts to mobilize additional capital beyond traditional aid, aligning investments with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for meaningful global impact.


As impact investing attracts more capital, maintaining the spirit and ethos that led to SOCAP’s creation is crucial. During its 10th Anniversary, SOCAP founders, leaders, practitioners, and provocateurs gathered to reflect on the past and strategize for the future, emphasizing the foundational principles of investing with a purpose. This year’s discussions aimed to fortify the base of impact investing while embracing new mindsets and models to energize the field. The integration of impact across all asset classes and investor types under SOCAP’s umbrella has made the discourse more dynamic and inclusive.

The various thematic tracks at SOCAP17 underscore the multifaceted nature of impact investing. The “Meaning” track revisits the core motivations and connects participants to the broader purpose of their efforts, integrating activist principles, creativity, and self-care. Addressing climate change, despite government inaction, the focus is on solutions from entrepreneurs, private capital, and the SOCAP community. Sustainable livelihoods are examined in light of global workforce shifts, highlighting investments in human capital. Place-based investing and financial inclusion are seen as catalysts for local economic growth, while the education track stresses the importance of early childhood education and adapting to 21st-century skills.

Equity and diversity are pivotal, with calls for systemic change to ensure fair and just solutions. The Good Capital Project aims to shift financial markets towards being a catalyst for good by leveraging multi-sector expertise. Lastly, achieving development goals beyond traditional aid involves aligning additional capital with the Sustainable Development Goals, fostering collaboration among diverse stakeholders to mobilize and scale impact.


The SOCAP 10th Anniversary agenda centers on reflecting on the foundational principles of impact investing while charting a course for the future. Key discussions will focus on maintaining the ethos of purposeful capital use, addressing climate change through private sector solutions, and ensuring sustainable livelihoods amid workforce changes. The agenda also includes exploring place-based investing for local economic growth, enhancing education to meet 21st-century demands, and promoting equity and diversity within the impact investment field. Additionally, the Good Capital Project aims to align financial markets with social good, and sessions will examine strategies to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by leveraging diverse capital sources and fostering collaboration among stakeholders.


  • Jed Emerson, Founder, Blended Value
  • Clara Miller, Director & President, F.B. Heron Foundation
  • A.J. Jones II, Chief of Staff, W.K. Kellogg Foundation
  • Fran Seegull, Executive Director, U.S. Alliance on Impact Investing
  • Brian Trelstad, Partner, Bridges Fund Management
  • Lauren Booker Allen, Senior Manager, Impact Investing, Omidyar Network
  • Michael McCreless, Senior Director of Strategy & Impact, Root Capital
  • Morgan Simon, Managing Director, Candide Group
  • Kola Masha, Managing Director, Babban Gona
  • Bart Houlahan, Co-Founder, B Lab
  • Andrew Lee, Managing Director, Deputy Global Head, UBS
  • Emmett Carson, CEO & President, Silicon Valley Community Foundation
  • Patricia Farrar-Rivas, CEO, Veris Wealth Partners
  • Giselle Leung, Managing Director, GIIN
  • Ross Baird, President, Village Capital


SOCAP18 is the world’s leading conference on activating the capital markets to drive positive social and environmental impact. In the past ten years, it has gathered over 20,000 people to accelerate the flow of capital for good. The event was held during OCT. 23-26, 2018, SAN FRANCISCO.

Key Points

  • Conversations on the state of impact investing, product innovation, infrastructure, service providers, and impact measurement.
  • Advancing gender lens investing and women’s empowerment, continuing long-standing conversations within SOCAP.
  • Increasing representation and discussions on social capital markets in Africa.
  • Examining employee ownership and other structures that challenge traditional ownership concepts.
  • Addressing urgent social and environmental issues related to mass displacement and exploring investment opportunities for inclusive prosperity.


At the core of SOCAP18 are conversations focused on the essentials of impact investing, such as the state of the field, innovation, and global ecosystem development. Central themes include the integration of meaning into markets, gender equity, and racial equity. Discussions will delve into transformative community development through real estate, the expanding African impact ecosystem, and innovative blended finance for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Other key topics are designing a circular economy, alternative ownership models, investment in indigenous communities, responses to the refugee crisis, the potential of blockchain for social impact, and the new opportunity zones created by recent tax legislation. These themes collectively aim to foster a sustainable and inclusive impact economy.


The SOCAP18 agenda focuses on advancing the field of impact investing by addressing core themes such as the integration of meaning into markets, gender equity, racial equity, and transformative community development. Key discussions will explore innovative finance solutions for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, expanding the African impact ecosystem, and designing circular economies. Additionally, the agenda includes conversations on alternative ownership models, investment in indigenous communities, responding to the refugee crisis, leveraging blockchain for social impact, and capitalizing on new opportunity zones created by recent tax legislation. These discussions aim to foster a more sustainable, inclusive, and equitable global economy.


  • Andre Agassi: Former Tennis Champion / Co-managing partner of the Turner-Agassi Charter School Facilities Fund
  • Bobby Turner: Chairman and CEO, Turner Impact Capital, LLC
  • Dr. Rajiv J. Shah: President, The Rockefeller Foundation
  • Ann Mei Chang: Author, Lean Impact
  • Jackie Vanderbrug: Bank of America
  • Jed Emerson: Founder, Blended Value
  • Christopher Ategeka: Founder and Managing Director, UCOT Inc
  • Ben Hecht: President and CEO, Living Cities
  • Vikram Akula: Founder, SKS Microfinance
  • Suzanne Biegel: Chief Catalyst, Catalyst at Large
  • Mitch Kapor: Kapor Capital
  • Eric Ries: Founder and CEO, Long-Term Stock Exchange (LTSE)
  • Arjan Schütte: Founder & Managing Partner, Core Innovation Capital
  • Joy Anderson: Criterion Institute
  • Laura Tyson: Faculty Director, Institute for Business and Social Impact, Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley
  • Bo Shao: Founding Partner, Matrix Partners China / Chairman, Evolve Foundation
  • Valerie Red-Horse Mohl: Executive Director, IC-SVN
  • Mauricio Miller: Founder, Family Independence Initiative
  • John Lettieri: Co-Founder and President, Economic Innovation Group
  • Saami Bloom: Founder, Blue.Ink
  • Ashara Ekundayo: Curator, Ashara Ekundayo Gallery


At SPECTRUM, we gather business leaders, entrepreneurs, thought leaders, cross-sector practitioners, and investors to address this urgent need for access, inclusion, and impact across capital markets with intention and authenticity. The event was held on June 9-11 in Atlanta, GA.


At SPECTRUM, we’re dedicated to championing the fastest-growing segment of American entrepreneurs: people of color. These innovators are not only addressing the real needs of their communities but are also building companies with a purpose beyond profit. Despite their potential, they often face persistent racial equity gaps that hinder their growth and recognition. Our mission is to bridge this gap by connecting entrepreneurs of color with essential capital, tools, networks, and knowledge. By doing so, we aim to foster innovation, enable thriving communities, and promote sustainable economic growth.


To gather business leaders, entrepreneurs, thought leaders, cross-sector practitioners, and investors to address the urgent need for access, inclusion, and impact across capital markets with intention and authenticity.

Advisory Council

  • Courtney Counts: President & Managing Director, Social Innovation & Impact, KTC
  • Sarah Eagle Heart: CEO + Co-Founder, Return to the Heart Foundation
  • Javier Torres-Campos: Director, Thriving Cultures Program, Surdna Foundation Inc
  • Latresa McLawhorn Ryan, J.D.: Executive Director, Atlanta Wealth Building Initiative
  • Liz Dozier: Founder & CEO, Chicago Beyond
  • Joey Womack: Founder, Amplify 4 Good
  • Marissa Guananja: Program Officer, W.K. Kellogg Foundation
  • Jay Bailey: President and CEO, Russell Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  • Ryan Wilson: Co-Founder & CEO, TGS Holdings | The Gathering Spot
  • Sarah Williams: Co-Founder & CEO, Propel Capital

SOCAP Virtual

SOCAP Virtual: A Global Impact Summit was the leading virtual gathering of global changemakers addressing the world’s toughest challenges through market-based solutions. It was held from October 19 to 23, 2020.


The global pandemic has exposed deep systemic inequities, highlighting the urgent need for radical change. At SOCAP Virtual, we’re calling for a comprehensive, system-wide conversation about how we can create real, structural transitions and scalable solutions that foster an economy based on inclusion and equity. This moment demands that we step out of our comfort zones and take swift, courageous, and vulnerable action to build sustainable social and economic systems.

We need to ask ourselves: How can we harness the power and innovation of capital markets to ensure companies adopt a total stakeholder approach? What specific actions, behaviors, and mechanisms are needed to create an entirely new marketplace that values impact as much as profit? This is our chance to rigorously engage in building new belief systems and fostering greater collaboration, ensuring that our efforts lead to real, lasting change.


The agenda of the SOCAP Virtual event is centered around the theme of radical change, addressing systemic inequities and fostering an inclusive and equitable economy. Key discussions will focus on the imperative need for structural transitions and scalable solutions in response to the inequities highlighted by the global pandemic. Participants will explore how to take swift, courageous, and vulnerable action to shift towards an economy based on inclusion and equity. Additionally, there will be conversations about climate action, including investment opportunities and strategies for addressing climate change while promoting job creation and emissions reduction.


An ongoing event series, SOCAP 365 features world-class speakers and opportunities to connect at the intersection of money and meaning. Through thought leadership panel discussions, inclusive dialogues, and community-building events, SOCAP 365 serves the rapidly growing network of impact investors, social entrepreneurs, conscious corporations, philanthropists, government agencies, and innovators in every sector.


The agenda for SOCAP 365 is designed to convene diverse voices across sectors, fostering cross-disciplinary dialogue and impactful conversations. By bringing together thought leaders of impact investing alongside stakeholders from various fields, the event aims to create a “big tent” environment conducive to meaningful discourse. SOCAP 365 serves as both an entry point for first-timers and a platform for growing networks of local peers, overcoming barriers such as ticket prices and travel constraints associated with the annual conference. Furthermore, the event focuses on advancing the conversation by addressing what’s working, identifying gaps, and discussing strategies to accelerate the flow of capital toward global social and environmental challenges. Through ongoing programming and collaboration, SOCAP 365 aims to foster collective impact and facilitate the sharing of best practices among participants throughout the year.

You can more about past and upcoming SOCAP events at it’s official website