Messages & Channelings

Ann Albers

Ann Albers > Anger, Fatigue, or Flow?

Today the angels give us a dose of love, explain why the world is so uppity, why many are more tired than usual, and how to deal with it all. I'll share thoughts, stories, and tips to help you live in flow...

Shanta Gabriel

Shanta Gabriel > Cycles of Life’s Flow

Who of you with a thought can stop the mighty flow of the river? The sacred presence in the momentum of your life continues whether you agree or not. When you resist the flow, when you struggle or doubt...

Kelly M. Beard

Karmic Tools > Weekly Forecast: April 28 – May 4, 2024

This energy invites you to trust your intuition and follow Its guidance as you initiate a new cycle of creativity & spirituality. If you are currently focused on your bigger aspirations, it offers a surge of energy...

Kari Samuels

Kari Samuels > Mercury Is Direct! Time to Integrate

You made it through a very intense Mercury Retrograde. And a long one... twenty-five days! This retrograde conjured all the things since it was in the midst of our Aries-Libra eclipse season. 

Shekina Rose / Blue Ray

You're currently experiencing extremely potent quantum plasma energies from the previous eclipse. You are evolving your DNA. This can mean deep healing releases from your family and generational line. 

Jamye Price

Jamye Price > Ricocheting Time

I did want to point out what I've been seeing with the April energy focus of Ricochet. Our tri-wave brain/body flow is enhancing our coherence and amplification. 

Shanta Gabriel

This message from Archangel Gabriel invites us to expand our skills to create greater possibilities for being happy and living in more beautiful, inspired ways.

Brenda Hoffman

Brenda Hoffman > Adjusting to New Inner Workings

Perhaps you fear joy can never be prominent in your life, that what you feel now is all there is. You are reverting to 3D fears that are no longer part of your world.

Owen Waters

Sooner or later everyone wakes up to the fact that they are essentially divine beings. Despite the appearance that we are physical in nature and that reality is filtered through the perceptions...

Neale Donald Walsch

Neale Donald Walsch > Visualization as a Tool

We continue our extraordinary exposition on how to move into what I have been calling The Holy Experience. Last week we talked about the tool of Sound. This week, let's look at another instrument...


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