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Trusts and Grants

Support from Charitable Foundations and trusts is vital to Slide Away’s work in supporting bereaved children and young people.

Last year, Slide Away supported more than 130 children and young people in Kent. This would not have been possible without the support of Charitable Trusts and Foundations who fund specific projects, resources and core costs. Below are some of the ways Charitable Trusts and Foundations can fund our work and how you can contact us.

How Charitable Trusts can support Slide Away

We have opportunities for Trusts and Foundations to fund specific projects, resources or core costs. This includes:

Workshop/Memory Days
Workshop/Memory Days

providing face-to-face support to bereaved children, young people and their families. This could be to support bereaved children at workshops generally or provide more targeted funding e.g. by area or bereavement. Find out more about our workshops and memory days.

Pre-bereavement Support
Pre-bereavement Support

Providing support to children who are living with a parent or sibling with a life limiting illness. Find out more about our pre-bereavement support.

Training for Schools
Training for Schools

Providing support to schools so that they can best support their bereaved students when they return to school. Find out more about our training for schools. 

Books for Children
Books for Children

At our workshops and memory days every child and young person is given a book containing a special message, for example, reassuring the child that the person who died can live on in their heart and memories.

Snowy Bears
Snowy Bears

At our workshops and memory days every child and young person is given a snowy bear as a tangible reminder of their time at Slide Away. Find out more about Snowy Bear.

Our Impact

View Slide Away’s impact and see the difference you can make by supporting us. 

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Charity Commission

View our accounts and charity information on the Charity Commission website.

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Contact us

To find out more, please contact us. 

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Our current charitable partners

We are very grateful to the support received from our current and recent charitable partners, including:
