Our goal is to make the use of technology in teaching the national and state music standards the norm, coast to coast. This is who we are and what we do. Won’t you join us in achieving that goal?

Teachers Trust TI:ME

Join TI:ME – Support our Mission


Professional Development

We partner with your state’s MEA and other organizations to bring you the best sessions for music education technology training.

Online Training in Development

We are moving our TI:ME Level 1 and 2 Training Courses online in 2020. This is a massive undertaking and we appreciate your patience as we transition to distance learning, with college credit options available, or straight “PD” certificate and online certification.

Leadership Academy

For ten years, we have paid trip expenses for over 100 undergrads to attend our TI:ME National Conference and receive specialized training by four leading Ph.D.’s  from Worcester Polytechnic Institute, University of Florida, Rowan University, and Illinois State University through an annual grant funded by the NAMM Foundation. 

Mike Kovins Teacher of the Year

Each year we honor an ourstanding music educator with our TI:ME Mike Kovins Teacher of the Year award, recognizing excellence in using technology to teach music in all areas and grade levels.

What is TI:ME?

We are a 501c3 founded over a quarter of a century ago to help bring best practice standards of applying the latest technology for music to the world of music education at all grade levels. We teach teachers to integrate technology into traditional and non-traditional music programs, across genres, disciplines and instrumental and vocal programs.

Moments in TI:ME

Our national, regional, and micro conferences present professional development sessions that are busy, exciting, information-packed with the best presenters, plus we give out great door prizes and host awesome receptions! Held in conjunction and partnership with NAMM, Ohio MEA, Texas MEA, NYSSMA, Tennessee MEA, NAfME and more!

Pre-Conference Day Party Time!
San Antonio, TMEA

Bobby Owsinski
Bestselling Author

TMEA – Tennessee
Dr Jim Frankel

Winter NAMM

Hal Leonard
Winter NAMM




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