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Sadguna Vaibhava – Splendor of Virtues
Virtues from Gurumayi for Birthday Bliss

Sadguna Vaibhava
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O Courage, radiating from deep inside!
Allied with fortitude and determination,
The strength of the heart you mobilize
 In this journey to liberation.
 I tap into your source in meditation,
And dissolve delusions of fear and anxiety.
Rising to challenges without trepidation,
I welcome my life in its infinite variety.
Unwavering Courage, a divine power within!

New York, United States

Over the years, it has taken enormous courage for me to consciously decide to follow the Siddha Yoga path, to open myself trustingly to my Guru, and to contemplate and implement her teachings.
Implementing my Guru’s teachings takes courage because sometimes I have to step out of my comfort zone, and face my fears and blocks in order to overcome or dissolve them. I also need courage when the Guru’s teachings invite me to live consciously, to take full responsibility for my condition and my life.
For me, the precious fruit of practicing courage is freedom and contentment—and that is why I like to be courageous.

Unterlangenegg, Switzerland

I love this word courage. Even just speaking of courage gives me courage.

In Italian, the word for courage is coraggio. The first part of the word, cor, means “heart” in poetic form. So I understand that everything starts from the heart—as I connect with it, even in difficult moments, all becomes strong and delicious. What a wonderful experience.

San Giorgio a Cremano, Italy

When facing challenging situations, courage has led me to the source of divine energy—the Heart—and from there I have been able to attain my goal with contentment.
One day, as I was hiking above a high cliff facing the sea, I reached a point where a natural arch was advancing toward the sea. Along the top of this narrow arch was a twenty-meter-long track. The track looked easy to walk. Nevertheless, the drop on each side to the water below was quite impressive. I decided to walk along the track. After a few meters, my mind suddenly became totally silent. In this deep silence, I found fearlessness and followed the track with ease.
By bringing this experience back to my meditation practice, I encourage my mind to face the mahashunya, the inner void, as an always accessible way to find happiness and freedom.

Rodez, France

When I read about courage today, I recognized that this virtue had manifested for me in two recent experiences in which I faced some fear. As I reflected on this, I felt gratitude for the Siddha Yoga practices that have helped me so much! I saw that my commitment to the practices has brought me closer to the truth that my heart is strong and courageous, and that I am equal to every challenge in life.

North Carolina, United States

Today, I was almost ready to leave for work when I realized my mother was not feeling well, so I stayed home. And, though I remained outwardly calm, I was inwardly concerned. However, when I opened the Siddha Yoga path website, I received the sweet reminder of this virtue: Courage. I immediately felt aligned, centered, and calm.
I am very grateful to Gurumayi for always giving us such timely and perfect guidance.

New Delhi, India

The first thought I had after reading this virtue was: “When do I feel courageous?” The answer came: “Whenever I am connected to my inner Self.” When I experience this inner connection, I feel that everything that is happening is supported by the Guru’s grace. This feeling gives me the inner strength to handle even the most challenging situations. I am very grateful for this reminder.

Pune, India

Reflecting upon this virtue, I recognize that Gurumayi’s constant presence in my life gives me courage. Her life, her teachings, and her boundless love encourage me to move forward on the Siddha Yoga path and to encounter life’s challenges with an awakened heart and a deeper understanding. In this way, I am able to see that whatever the circumstances, God’s grace is always there at the heart of it all.

Berlin, Germany

Many years ago, my mother suddenly turned to me and said, “You are a courageous woman.”
When I contemplated this unexpected tribute, I became far more aware of my own courage. And I got in touch with the way that courage is connected to the heart. I have realized that many years of Siddha Yoga sadhana have taught me to practice courage by following my heart’s wisdom and trusting in the outcome.
Now, whenever I step into a situation calling for bravery and fortitude, I feel a protection that comes from my willingness to act with courage on what I believe to be the right thing to do.

Maryland, United States