Games, Videos, Holidays & Crafts

PrimaryGames is your top destination for online games, entertainment and learning fun! Play exciting new games, celebrate the holidays and seasons, and practice math and reading skills. Find lots of free printable coloring pages, crafts and worksheets or watch free videos. Keep your friends laughing with our Joke of the Day!
Earth Day Fun

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Educational Focus: Play & Learn

Michael, Michael, Go Recycle!
Pick up all the garbage in the park and throw it in the correct bin. Turn the grey children back into green by walking into them, but do it quick, because grey children will throw new garbage in the park!

Fan Pick Of The Week

Earth Attack
Planet Earth and it's moon are under attack! Enemy planets have invaded our solar system and are streaming towards Earth. Rotate Planet Earth to shoot the enemy planets and destroy them before they can crash into Earth.

Games, Videos, Holidays & Crafts

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