Welcome to a global community of more than 2 million Museum Friends.

The World Federation of Friends of Museums (WFFM) is the representative of museum-goers worldwide.

We preserve, curate, and celebrate cultural heritage as a unified Friends community.

WFFM’s alliance is strong and growing, thanks to a full events calendar, including:

Conferences designed to help Friends societies organize, communicate, fundraise, and drive growth.

Annual Assemblies hosted in a different country each year to promote friendship and edify members through seminars, social events, and cultural gatherings. 

World Congresses held every three years as a forum to exchange ideas with experts such as museum curators, architects, historians, and more. 

Your membership strengthens a generation of trustees and heritage keepers.

Through WFFM, our local Friends society has doubled in membership, and doubled our impact.

— Associate WFFM Member