Washington State Ferries

MV Tokitae with Seattle cityscape in background
View sailing schedules, buy your tickets online, or save a spot for your vehicle on certain routes.

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Service Contingency Plan

Find out how we will add service as vessels and crewing become available.

Read the plan

Get to know your ferries

All are welcome on Washington State Ferries

Here are some helpful tips on how to navigate the ferries.

First-time rider’s guide

Riders with disabilities

Route map (PDF 501KB)

Contact Ferries

Join us for virtual systemwide public meetings as WSF staff answer questions on the latest developments with Washington State Ferries. Opportunities June 17 at noon and June 18 at 6 p.m.

Mark your calendar!

Advance registration required for our upcoming virtual community meetings. Both meetings will cover the same material.

Slow down – lives are on the line. 

In 2023, speeding continued to be a top reason for work zone crashes.

Even one life lost is too many.

Fatal work zone crashes doubled in 2023 - Washington had 10 fatal work zone crashes on state roads.

It's in EVERYONE’S best interest.

95% of people hurt in work zones are drivers, their passengers or passing pedestrians, not just our road crews.