Because I need, né?

Every day my students have to deal with a very, very, very complicated issue: the mother tongue interference on the second language, in this case the language English. My advice to Them is not to worry about it at the beginning of the process because it’s quite normal. Only after some time in contact with the new language, they will be able to disassociate the languages.

The most common mistake the student makes is to place the adjectives after the nouns, as we do in Portuguese:

  • Bola azul/Ball blue (The correct is “blue ball”)
Another slip they make is when dealing with possessive pronouns. In Portuguese the possessive pronoun “seu” can mean “his/her” or “your”, it changes according to the context. So, it’s easy to get confused when learning the English possessive pronouns:
  • A moça bebeu seu chá./The girl drank your tea. (The correct is “The girl drank her tea.”)
Well, actually there are many errors that students commit due to interference of mother tongue.  A good teacher needs to be aware of it and help students when necessary.
See you soon!


(By Hugh Dellar, published in New Routes Magazine, January 2011)

  1. Listen Your Students;
  2. Talk To Your Students;
  3. Tell Your Students About Yourself;
  4. Teach Them USEFUL Things;
  5. Teach The Class First (and the coursebook second);
  6. Be Careful How You Correct Your Students;
  7. Test Your Students;
  8. Worry Less About Topics;
  9. Worry More About Language and Anecdotes;
  10. Look Deep Into Your Coursebook.

Basic English Structures – Simple Present

Last week one of my students told me that his biggest difficulty was to create a sentence in English, because the structure is very different from Portuguese. So, let’s take a look at it.


In an affirmative sentence the structure is very similar to Portuguese.

Pronoun  +  Verb  +  Complement

I              work       in the morning.

The base (pronoun+verb) in this example is what we call Simple Present. It indicates facts, habits and real situations, such as: I dance, I sing, I walk, I talk, I live, etc.

The complement part is the place where you add more meaning to your sentence. You can use an adverb, an adjective, a place, a noun, etc. Look at the sentences:

The boy is happy.(adjective)

I like chocolate.(noun)

He sings everyday.(adverb)

See, it is quite simple! You can add more information to the sentences as well:

I like dark chocolate.

The boy is a happy child.

He sings everyday in the Karaoke.

Now, let’s talk about the two other forms to use Simple Present: negative and interrogative.


To create a negative sentence in the Simple Present you first need to pay attention If the main verb in the phrase is the verb To Be or a different verb. If it’s verb To Be you just need to add the word not after the verb:

Pronoun + Verb + Not + Complement

I am not at home.

You are not happy.

He/She/It is not tired.

We/You/They are not honest.

You can use the contracted form to:

I ain’t

You/We/They aren’t

He isn’t

Now, if you are using a verb that is not the verb To Be, it is necessary to use an auxiliar before the verb, Do/Does, to transform the sentence in a negative one and the word not.

A very important thing is that you must remember to use Do with the persons I/You/We/They and Does with He/She/It.

So, the structure is:

Pronoun + Do + Not + Verb + Complement.

I do not like chocolate.

He does not work in the morning.

Or the contracted form:

I don’t like chocolate.

He doesn’t work in the morning.

So far, so good. Now, let’s go to the Interrogative form.


The same way you need to check if the verb is To Be to create a negative sentence, you have to do the same to create an interrogative sentence. To make questions using the verb to be is very simple. All you need to do is to change the order of the phrase. In questions, the verb is placed before the Pronoun.

Verb + Pronoun + Complement

Are you happy?

Is he a singer?

Are they famous?

Pretty easy, right? Now, let’s see how to create questions with differente verbs.

The first thing you need is to use the auxiliar Do/Does.

Do/Does + Pronoun + Verb(infinitive) + Complement?

Do you like pasta?

Does he sing in the Karaoke?

Do you work in the morning?

Remember that in questions using the auxiliar Do/Does the verb is always in the infinitive, it doesn’t change from it’s original form.


Well, this was the structure to the Simple Present. Soon I will post other tenses structures.

If you have doubts, please write me!

See you!!!


Hello guys!

2011 will be a great year! I have made a lot of plans, and I intend to succeed in all of them. The most important is to start my Masters Degree. It will be very difficult, but I will do it!

Also, I want to learn French. I am already studying it, and I hope to be much better until the end of the year.

I will see all the lectures I can and I’ll take as many courses as possible. This is necessary to improve my knowledge and my curriculum.

For now, that’s it. 2011 will be all about education.

Regarding to English learning, I’ve read a very interesting comic book series: The Runaways. It is about a group of teenagers who find out that their parentes are super villains. It has a lot of action and some funny moments. But the most important thing is that the English the kids use in the story is very simple and modern. Here is one page, click on the image to read:

That’s all! See you later!

What to Read



On New Year’s Eve I believe that the best thing to read is anything written by Charles Dickens.

His books gives us hope and make us think about the good and the bad characteristics of every human being.

So, this is my tip for 2011: you must read Charles Dickens books.


Comic Books and English Comprehension

Hello guys, here I am!

Today I’d like to talk about a very easy and fun way to improve your comprehension of the English language: Comic Books!

They are easy to carry around, easy to read and the drawings help a lot with the plot/story understanding. Another great thing about comics is that they are becoming more and more complex over the years and also you can find all kinds of themes transported to this genre, there are romantic histories, science fiction, biographies, horror, suspense, psychological dramas, philosophy and much more.

It’s simple and very nice. Choose one and start reading.

See you soon!

The Beginning

There are no words to describe how much English Language and Literature are important to me. Its first influence upon me was by giving me the great authors which I admire and that inspire me, and second because it gave me a profession.

I am an English Teacher. Every day I have a challenge, which is to make more people like and learn the English Language. It is hard, but also very fulfilling.

But what I really want is not just to teach the basic language, but also discuss and help people to understand the meaning of the great works written over the centuries in all places in which English is the spoken idiom.

I hope this blog helps me and others in our path to a greater knowledge.

In the next weeks I plan to write about the great authors and their masterpieces, language grammar and usage, and other interesting facts about it.

See you soon!