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IG corps deemed stronger than ever as ECB cuts by 25bp

It ‘makes sense for investors to start adding’ IG corporates to portfolios, according to one portfolio manager
Economic growth tipped to continue but investors will need to temper expectations

Serbia takes early funding for 2025

Investors eye potential for credit rating uplift

Citi poaches from Deutsche Bank for SSA syndicate

Latest in chain of SSA banker moves
Economic growth tipped to continue but investors will need to temper expectations
P&M, Big Interview, Leader, View, Southpaw
Sustainable finance is not for show but a real knowledge transfer, banker says
Arlene Shaw sees middle-market CLOs as 'very efficient avenue' to finance private credit assets
Uncertainty over interest rate cuts creating big market swings means this year's phenomenal primary market for credit will deteriorate
Sheer volume of issuance prevents sensible comparison to peers
European markets need to prepare for six months of politically-driven market volatility
Investors want easy buys that bring diversity and yield
Barclays sees EMEA as a big part of its growth plan and is investing in senior talent over the next two years
The European timezone is crucial for ambitious investment banks, but presents unique problems. How to cover it efficiently is causing internal tension, especially for US banks.
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