Home – Mandela Day 20242024-05-28T06:20:39+00:00

Make a difference

Nelson Mandela had a special place in his heart for children. So what better way could there be of continuing his legacy than by making a difference to our children’s lives this July?

At the Johannesburg Children’s Home, we care for 64 children – ranging in age from 3 to 18 years old. The children live together in ‘family’ cottages, which are in need of a bit of TLC!

We’re looking for volunteers to clean the cottages. Please bring your own buckets, cleaning materials and cloths.

The Art Room is also in desperate need of a good clean and reorganising, and we need willing hands to sort and fold donations.

Prefer to be outside? We’d appreciate help in the food garden … clearing weeds, soil preparation, planting of seedlings etc (bring gardening gloves, spades and forks). If you’re good with a paint brush, we have various outdoor painting projects we would be grateful for assistance with. Please bring along your own paint brushes, rollers and paint trays, as well as suitable paint (kindly check colour/type with us first).

For more information or to discuss how you or your team would like to get involved, contact Fiona Duke by emailing pr@jch.org.za.

If you’re short of time, perhaps you’d consider popping in with a contribution of food, toiletries, cleaning materials or items for our medicine cabinet? Please download our Wish List and see if there’s something that you could provide for a child in need.

And if you can’t give any of these items, please consider making a cash donation towards them – so we can buy them on your behalf, or put towards bus fares and school outings.

Because every child deserves to grow up knowing he or she is loved and special. And that’s what your gift says. Together we can build happy, successful young members of our Rainbow Nation.

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The Johannesburg Children’s Home is a registered Non-Profit Organisation (NPO 001-034) and Public Benefit Organisation (PBO 130001111) which provides a safe refuge for up to 64 children who have been found in need of care by the Children’s Court.

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“Nobody cares how much you know, until they know how much you care.”

– Theodore Roosevelt

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