G.I.s tell Congress: "CEASEFIRE!"

We have heard from many active duty military personnel that they are concerned about the U.S. funding of the Israeli government’s continued war on the people of Palestine. We have created this "Appeal for Redress-V2" so you can tell your Congressional representatives how you feel about what our government is doing. 

<Click Here>


Veterans For Peace Memorial Day Statement May 2024

Members of Veterans For Peace remember America's war dead not just once a year, but every day of our lives, with the solemnity they deserve, not the crass commercialism Memorial Day has become.

We remember the war dead and the far greater number of wounded with missing limbs and the even greater number living with invisible, lifelong devils and injuries in their heads.

We remember the lost contributions they could have made to society that they literally bottled up or destroyed in the epidemic of suicide rampant among veterans. <Read Full Statement>

Veterans To Biden: US Law Says No Weapons To Nations With A-Bombs That Haven't Signed Non-Proliferation Treaty

In a letter today to President Biden and top members of his administration, Veterans For Peace cited existing federal law that gives the President “…no discretion whatsoever to allow any military assistance of any form to be delivered to Israel READ MORE


Veterans For Peace statement about Aaron Bushnell protesting to the death

Aaron Bushnell just couldn’t take any more. He couldn’t bear to see any more people eviscerated and incinerated by American bombs dropped by Israelis on innocent Palestinians. So, in his Air Force uniform, he walked determinedly to the Israeli embassy in Washington, D.C. and set himself on fire. <Full Statement>





“No One Is Above the Law” – Really Mr. Biden?



Peace and Planet News - Fall, 2023
Now available!

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Be like Dan. Order and distribute Peace & Planet News. It’s our voice in the wilderness.

Dedicated to Abolishing War, Establishing Justice, and Fighting Climate Disaster Published Quarterly by New York City Veterans For Peace

Members In Action

Kathy Kelly Breaks Down U.S. Assistance of Israeli War Crimes

Israel Is Assaulting Hospitals in Gaza with Full U.S. Support
Hospitals should be places of healing, not theaters of war.. <Read more>

Check out other highlights about VFP Members!

Source: National Priorities Project
