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Flags of Canada and each of its provinces and territories flying in front of office building.

CPA Canada

CPA Canada is the national organization representing the Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) profession in Canada and internationally.

​​We value your input as we work toward a future model that best serves the interests of Canadian CPAs. Sign up to receive updates and opportunities to engage with us.
Pamela Steer

Join Pamela Steer, CPA Canada’s President and CEO, on June 20 for an interactive Member Engagement Session

Participants will have the opportunity to hear directly from the CEO, receive insights from recent surveys and focus groups – and most importantly, have their questions addressed live.


A path forward for the profession: Your questions answered

Learn more about CPA Canada

As Canada’s national accounting body, we support, empower and advocate for members and the profession on the national and international stages.

Someone asking a question in a group

Uniting for a stronger way forward

CPA voices from coast to coast to coast are at the heart of CPA Canada’s evolution

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Busy Street

Enhance your career and professional growth

As the national authority on accounting, we’ve developed exclusive guidance, thought leadership and resources to keep your skillset sharp throughout your professional journey.

Advance your career
Cut out paper dolls holding hands.

CPA Canada member benefits

CPA Canada member benefits: Take advantage of savings, professional development and more.

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