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Monday Evening Broadcast - 8 PM
Andrew Davis leads the Philharmonic in a charming pair of French works in this concert from the 2009-10 season - the overture to Les francs-juges by a young Hector Berlioz, and the Symphony No. 3 by Camille Saint-Saens, the “Organ” Symphony.
At the premiere of Cimarosa's The Secret Marriage, the Austrian emperor demanded a repeat of the nearly three-hour opera, possibly the longest encore in history. Riccardo Muti conducts its overture, plus Mozart's Gran Partita.
French star violinist Renaud Capuçon shines in the romantic D minor Violin Concerto by Richard Strauss. That work is bookended by high watermarks of 19th century French orchestral music – Debussy’s Prelude to the Afternoon of a Fawn, and Chausson’s Symphony in B-flat.
Robert Aubry Davis explores the sources and mainstreams of European music for the thousand years before the birth of Bach.
Michael Barone hosts this program featuring music from the diverse repertoire for the organ Mondays at 11 am.
Each week Bill explores a different theme in classical music with illuminating commentary and musical examples, over the course of time sampling from all genres and eras of classical music. This week: "Child’s Play” - We’ll hear how composers from Purcell to Prokofiev were influenced by the creative energy of youth. Plus, we will hear the music of young composers and listen to great artists captured during their tender years.
The Piano Matters - Wednesday at 3 PM and Sunday at noon.
Between the Keys -
Fridays at 3 PM and Saturdays at 6 PM
  • Ragtime's universal influence, this Friday (5/31, rebroadcast 6/1)
These monthly concerts by the Bach Choir of Bethlehem, the Bach Festival Orchestra and select soloists air live at noon with a repeat Fridays at 6 pm. (Note: usually these concerts air on the second Tuesday of each month.)
Sounds Choral - Encore Broadcast Tuesday Afternoons at 3
  • A weekly exploration into the colorful world of choral music.
Enjoy conversations with and performances by classical musicians of local, national and international fame Thursdays at 3 pm and Saturdays at 4 pm on Cadenza - winner of the 2014 ASCAP Deems Taylor/Virgil Thomson Awards.
Find today's line-up of great jazz and community affairs programs on JazzOn2.
Catch up on The Classical Network's exclusive specialty programs at any time on our Webcasts page.

Looking for more events? Find our full Events Calendar here. Arts organizations can submit their events here.