Product Information Management

Icecat PIM collects and centralizes product information from your suppliers, manages assortments, and provides seamless enrichment of products with Icecat product content. Icecat PIM can be connected with Shopify, Magento, WooCommerce, Amazon, and more e-commerce platforms. It helps automate your e-commerce processes and deliver the most compelling omnichannel product experiences.

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Shop Connectors

Icecat Commerce’s connectors streamline e-commerce integration by synchronizing product data, inventory, and pricing across multiple platforms. Enhance efficiency and ensure consistency in your online operations with our seamless solutions.

With 25+ Years of Experience in E-commerce Icecat Commerce is the Partner You Need

Automate import of non-standardized assortment from different suppliers and transform into one standardized catalog.
Single source of truth for product information with advanced functionalities for assortment and content management.

Syndicate structured product content directly from the Icecat digital catalog to your local e-commerce environment.

Send Icecat content and product information to Shopify, WooCommerce, Magento, Shopware, Odoo, etc.
Send content, assortment, stock & pricing, and orders directly to Amazon, Bol, Elkjop, etc.

Our Data Flow Chart

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Visual explanation of data flow from suppliers’ network to different webshop environments using Icecat Connect and Icecat PIM.

Connected Suppliers

Icecat Commerce has built a large network with suppliers for sourcing assortment, stock&pricing in the industries of electronic devices, IT products, electronics, and more. We can add any supplier for stock& pricing automation that provides a digital catalog.

400+ Connected Suppliers Worldwide
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Uncover the transformative power of Icecat Commerce solutions. Explore our captivating case study with Maxicom and witness the results firsthand!

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