• early MEMBER registration is open


    GCIR members can register now for our Biennial National Convening, taking place October 28-30, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan.

  • GCIR's citizenship timeline


    Understanding our history and the forces that drive migration is critical to understanding how we decide who gets to be an American today.






    Philanthropy must to act now to address forced displacement, the systems that drive it, and secure the safety and dignity of all marginalized communities that experience violence and discrimination.



    The theory of change reflects GCIR's evolution as a national philanthropic mobilizing organization that moves money and power to immigrant and refugee communities.





    As part of GCIR's evolution, we will grow our work at the state and local levels in the coming years, honing in on eight strategically selected geographies for this first phase of the work.



  • Call to Action: Support the Afghan Adjustment Act

    To prevent tens of thousands of Afghans in the U.S. from being returned to a place where they could face grave danger, philanthropy can leverage its influence by advocating for a legislative solution.


  • the fight to preserve daca


    Philanthropy’s support is needed to protect and support DACA holders as the fate of the program hangs in the balance. We must also push for a broader legislative solution to ensure permanent protection for all undocumented people.


Member-Only Registration IS NOW OPEN!

GCIR’s 2024 convening will take place in the context of daunting challenges for immigrant communities at a pivotal moment for our
country’s future as a multi-racial democracy. We will meet that moment together at our gathering by addressing those challenges
while shining a light on the powerful advocacy and organizing work being done to effect systemic change and build strong,
welcoming, fully inclusive communities.

Register Now

Now is the time to act

Join a growing philanthropic movement, currently 130 foundations strong, to address immigrant-specific issues and advance justice, equity, and inclusion for all.

Recent News

Monday, June 3, 2024

Changing Perspectives and Making Connections: One Funder's Reflections on the US-Mexico Border

Visibilize, mobilize, and amplify: These three goals represented the driving force behind a recent learning trip to the U.S.-Mexico border, organized for 15 funders by Hispanics in Philanthropy (HIP) and Grantmakers Concerned with Imigrants and Refugees (GCIR). This delgation traveled to McAllen, Texas, and Reynosa, Mexico in early May to connect with nonprofits providing critical services. Humanitarian relief, legal services, power-building, and advocacy are just some examples of the vital work groups are leading in border communities.

The learning trip left a lasting impact on Lincoln Mondy, a Program Officer at the Andrus Family Fund. He joined Ivy O. Suriyopas, GCIR's Vice President of Programs, and Andrea Villaseñor de la Vega, Director of the Migration and Climate Mobility program at HIP, to share his personal reflections and experiences.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Amplify Interview: Filmmakers Paco de Onis and Pamela Yates on What Philanthropy Should Know about Narrative Power

GCIR's Amplify series features interviews with immigrant justice field leaders to showcase their work and provide a platform for their perspectives. In this edition, GCIR President Marissa Tirona hosts our very first Amplify podcast episode! She speaks with Paco de Onís and Pamela Yates, who co-founded Skylight Pictures, a nonprofit human rights media organization.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

A Powerful Journey to the US-Mexico Border

"I don't have 5-year goals, I have 500-year goals of liberation," declared Rubén Garza of Voces Unidas. He didn't hold back in a room full of funders and community leaders from the Rio Grande Valley. 

Rubén set the tone for 15 funders who traveled from across the United States and Mexico to join a learning trip to the Rio Grande Valley (RGV) and Reynosa, Mexico. Hosted by Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees (GCIR) and Hispanics in Philanthropy, the experience aimed to amplify the voices of border communities, demonstrate the impacts of unjust immigration policies, and mobilize resources for migrant-serving groups.