Pies and Mexican food, now together

Much like Sarah Michelle Gellar and a 424yr-old vampire who's been cursed with a soul, this brick and mortar -- containing both Mexican-slinging Nido and pie-slinging PieTisserie -- is a combo you'd never expect that still goes together deliciously well.Set off Jack London Square, this 2-in-1-teraunt is part-Mom's pie counter from the 1950s, part-indoor/outdoor salsa-accented cafe, with exposed concrete walls, sketch drawings, and doors from shipping containers, which you should never, ever open if you're Beadie. The South American part of this restaurant is whipping up quesadillas with Oaxacan cheese and pork/beef/chicken add-in options, Mexican bread stuffed with chicken mole and avo, plus tacos with fillin's like beef barbacoa w/ roasted peppers and chili-marinated pork adobado w/ fruit salsa, which's likely already Looming large on your must-eats list.Then there's the pie counter where they're doing rotating delectable treats like banana chai cream w/ 'nilla crust, pumpkin w/ a chocolate rim, and the spicy-sweet "Pecante", or how your sassy Spanish-speaking friends refer to Angel.