EU Elections 2024
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Economy 03-06-2024

Celebrating a Milestone for Inventors – One Year of the Unitary Patent

Est. 7min

One year since the landmark launch of the Unitary Patent, António Campinos, President of the European Patent Office, evaluates its progress in broadening access into the European patent system for underrepresented inventors and supporting technological development.

Elections 03-06-2024

Spain’s EU vote tainted by national topics amid warnings of far-right surge

Est. 4min

The European campaign in Spain has been driven by sensitive national issues: Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez's ruling Socialists warn of the dangerous rise of the Spanish far-right, while opposition Partido Popular (EPP) attacks what it calls the Socialists' “surrender” to the Catalan separatists.

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Health 03-06-2024

Future of health: Time for Europe to connect the dots

Est. 6min

Innovation can deliver patient-centric, digitally advanced, resilient and sustainable healthcare ‒ a new video series shows what’s possible if the EU seizes this opportunity for transformation.

Global Europe 03-06-2024

Biden’s Gaza plan ‘not a good deal’ but Israel accepts it, Netanyahu aide says

Est. 5min

An aide to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu confirmed that Israel had accepted a framework deal for winding down the Gaza war being advanced by US President Joe Biden, though he described it as flawed and in need of more work.

Global Europe 03-06-2024

Thousands of Georgians gather at concert for arrested protesters

Est. 2min

Thousands of Georgians gathered Sunday (2 June) in the capital Tbilisi for a charity concert aimed at raising funds for those arrested during weeks of protests against a controversial "foreign influence" law.

Politics 03-06-2024

Bulgaria’s GERB misses Srebrenica vote, meets von der Leyen instead

Est. 3min

The party leadership of former prime minister Boyko Borissov’s GERB party met with Commission President Ursula von der Leyen on Sunday, missing a parliamentary session about diplomatic tensions with Serbia following Bulgaria’s attempt to change its position on the UN resolution on the Srebrenica massacre.

Politics 03-06-2024

Czechia’s ANO leads EU election polls with conservative coalition close behind

Est. 2min

The populist movement of former prime minister Andrej Babiš, ANO (Renew), is set to win the EU elections in Czechia with 23.1% of the vote, while the conservative coalition of Prime Minister Petr Fiala, Spolu (EPP+ECR), is in second place with 21.5%, new polls show.

Politics 03-06-2024

Facing headwinds, the Greens push for new audiences

Est. 5min

In a push to counter an expected drop in seats in the new European Parliament, the Greens are banking on extending their demographic and geographical base, their lead candidate Terry Reintke told Euractiv.

OpinionPromoted content
Politics 03-06-2024

Let’s Redesign Public Spaces with Cycling

Est. 4min

More widespread bicycle use requires more investment in safety and more efficient infrastructure, including separate cycle lanes, strict speed limits and better enforcement of traffic rules.

Politics 03-06-2024

Polish Confederation party unlikely to join ECR, experts say

Est. 3min

Poland’s far-right Confederation Party, likely to have MEPs for the first time after the upcoming European elections, will either try to join the far-right Identity or Democracy group or form a new faction with AfD and Fidesz, experts say.

Politics 03-06-2024

France’s Le Maire says he ‘saved the French economy’ amid credit rating downgrade

Est. 3min

French Economy and Energy Minister Bruno Le Maire claimed to have “saved the French economy” after the COVID pandemic and the war in Ukraine after Standard & Poor’s Global Ratings downgraded the country’s credit rating on Saturday.

Elections 03-06-2024

Flemish far right bets on ‘historic’ Belgian vote on 9 June

Est. 3min

Belgium's far-right Flemish nationalist Vlaams Belang party vowed Sunday (2 June) to score a stunning victory in next weekend's elections and become the leading political force in the Dutch-speaking north.

Enlargement 03-06-2024

Serbia ruling nationalist party claims victory in capital vote

Est. 4min

Serbia's ruling nationalist party claimed victory in the capital Belgrade on Sunday (2 June) in a rerun of local elections, nearly six months after allegations of fraud in a previous poll sparked weeks of protests.

Politics 03-06-2024

Local elections overshadow EU vote in Romania

Est. 5min

The European elections are taking a back seat in Romania, where local elections are being held on the same day, while the far-right AUR party could join the ECR if it can overcome its differences with Viktor Orban's Fidesz.

Politics 03-06-2024

The EU Commissioners guessing game

With the EU elections just days away, speculations about the EU Commissioners are growing louder.

Global Europe 02-06-2024

How the next few weeks could shape the West’s support for Ukraine

Est. 9min

In this week's edition: Ukraine faces crucial decision weeks, NATO talks strategy and EU looks how to restrain Israel.

Europe's East 02-06-2024

Zelenskyy meets heads of state in Singapore, seeks support for security summit

Est. 3min

Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelenskyy met heads of state and legislators in Singapore, seeking security assistance and support for a peace summit after arriving for a surprise visit to the Shangri-La Dialogue.

China 02-06-2024

China lands on moon’s far side in historic sample-retrieval mission

Est. 4min

China landed an uncrewed spacecraft on the far side of the moon on Sunday (1 June), a landmark mission aiming to retrieve the world's first rock and soil samples from the dark lunar hemisphere, China's space agency said.

Elections 02-06-2024

Orbán’s social media mouthpiece Megafon zeroes in on EU ahead of vote

Est. 4min

Ahead of EU elections on 9 June, a deluge of misinformation amplifying the Hungarian government's key talking points on the war in Ukraine has flooded the country's social media platforms.

Elections 02-06-2024

Bulgarian nostalgia for Communism feeds anti-EU propaganda

Est. 4min

In the run-up to Bulgaria's parliamentary election and the European elections both on 9 June, Eurosceptic and pro-Kremlin parties have ramped up efforts to win over young Bulgarians, who have limited knowledge about the past.

Elections 02-06-2024

Germany’s Christian Democratic party hit by ‘serious’ cyberattack

Est. 2min

Germany's Christian Democratic Union (CDU), the country's leading opposition party, has been hit by a major cyberattack and has taken parts of its IT-infrastructure off the grid as a precautionary measure, authorities said on Saturday (1 June).

Agrifood 01-06-2024

Farmers and activists call for greener agricultural policies during pre-election demonstration

Est. 5min

Environmental groups and farmers called for a transition to a sustainable agri-food system, climate action, and the approval of the stalled nature restoration law during a modest demonstration in Brussels on Saturday (1 June).

Politics 01-06-2024

Meet the parties fighting for power in the European elections

Est. 6min

Between 6 – 9 June 2024, around 350 million people in the 27 member states of the European Union are eligible to cast their vote in the 10th European elections. Euractiv presents the groups taking part in the election.

Elections 01-06-2024

Poland sees ‘Russian cyberattack’ behind fake military draft report

Est. 3min

The Polish government said Friday (31 May) that a false story stating that Poles would be mobilised to fight in Ukraine that appeared on the state news agency was likely a Russian cyberattack.

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