SQLServerCentral Editorial

On Being an "Expert"

I had the opportunity last week to present a session at DataSaturdays Stockholm. I can't say enough nice things about the event and the organizers. I presented on Query Store in SQL Server. In my mind, it's an entry-level to middle tier presentation. Most of the room was already working with Query Store, some quite […]

SQLServerCentral Article

Enhancing Web Application Performance through Database Optimization: A Comprehensive Study

In the contemporary digital landscape, web applications play a pivotal role in delivering services and facilitating interactions between users and businesses. However, the performance of these applications heavily relies on the efficiency of underlying databases. This comprehensive study aims to explore the intricate relationship between database optimization techniques and web application performance enhancement. The study begins by delineating the significance of web application performance and its correlation with database operations. It examines various factors affecting performance, including data retrieval, storage, and processing. Furthermore, it identifies common challenges such as latency, scalability issues, and inefficient query execution. Through an extensive review of the literature, this study evaluates state-of-the-art database optimization methodologies and their applicability to web applications. Techniques such as indexing, query optimization, denormalization, caching mechanisms, and data partitioning are scrutinized, highlighting their potential to mitigate performance bottlenecks. Moreover, the study investigates emerging trends and technologies in database management systems (DBMS), such as NoSQL databases, in-memory databases, and cloud-based solutions. It assesses their suitability for enhancing web application performance, considering factors like data volume, query complexity, and real-time processing requirements.


Large System Databases on SQL Server


This one is an oldie in my blog drafts, but a goodie! So, I...

Free Advanced SQL Course for June: Don’t Miss Out!


Summer is here, and it's the perfect opportunity to enhance your SQL expertise with...

How to give developers access to Query Store


Let’s have devs look at their own query performance. Yes, please, sign me up...

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Factless Fact and Slowly Changing Dimensions

By pietlinden

I'm working on the same bakery problem... <g> Product--(1,M)--ProductIngredient--(M,1)---Ingredient Both Product and Ingredient are...

How to sum the CountDistinct in the detail rows

By danyeungw

The SSRS report has a CountDistinct in the detail row grouping by Facility. It...

Ledger Feature In Sql Server 2022

By rogue1009

Hi All, Wonder if someone can clear something up for me and let me...

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Question of the Day

Logon Trigger Messages

I created this trigger in SQL Server 2022:

 PRINT 'Steve logged in'
Where can I view "Steve logged in"?

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