
Color Shades Theme Released!

Hey! You like how gondaba.com looks? Yeah, me too!

Well, now y'all can use the theme too! I’ve just submitted it to the theme garden, and it’s been accepted!

Just hit Customize, then Theme at the top. Then find mine, and click save! You’re all set.

Customization Hints

  • In Customize, hit ‘Appearance’ to change the default colors.
  • To change all the themes in the fancy slider-thingy, just look in the custom HTML. You should see something like:
    "dolores": ["E8E595","D0A825","40627C","26393D","FFFAE4"],
    Just change those, and any similar lines, to whatever you want!
  • To get some inspration, hit up COLOURlovers, kuler or any of these other sites.

Thanks, and enjoy! If you have any questions, feel free to email me at gondaba AT gondaba DOT com


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