How do Brazil Nuts Grow

Harvesting the nuts is not an easy task. If the nuts fall from the trees, they are so heavy they could kill someone. The collectors gather the nuts, crack them, and then haul up to 110-pound loads out of the jungle. The harvesting almost disappeared years ago because middlemen were taking all the profits and…

Tips From Locals

Tips From Locals

The Amazon rainforest is a very unique place in the world and if you are going to travel there you can use some tips that will make your experience much better. First you need to pack for the Amazon. If you are going to five star forest hotel (there are some) you don’t need to…



The Amazon rainforest has a huge live collection of flora species. Botanical experts say that in 2.5 acres of the forest you can find 700 different species of trees and twice that number of plants. One of the most awesome things you will notice is that the forest has a high density of trees and…