Morgan + Eric Grasham, work is part of Fluxums’ Frolic in Gallery 1

Create with us this summer

Join Artspace for 8-weeks of fun and creativity during our Summer Camps for rising Grades 1-12! We offer week-long summer art camps in various mediums, taught by professional artists, who lead students in the creative process, encourage exploration, and produce one-of-a-kind projects! While creating, students have the opportunity to meet working artists and view exhibitions from national and regional exhibiting artists in our unique facility in downtown Raleigh. 

Artspace Summer Camps

Art Bash // November 9, 2024

Join us for a spectacular night out on the town to celebrate the breadth of art and artists in North Carolina at Art Bash! Art Bash 2024 includes gallery exhibitions, private and live collecting opportunities, art experiences, and gourmet bites! Honorary co-chairs Colony Little, art writer for Walter Magazine, and Debbie Robbins, painter and art collector, are curating an extraordinary auction and event! The featured exhibit is FRESH, Artspace’s biennial group show of North Carolina artists, and guest juried this year by Jessica Orzulak of the Asheville Art Museum.

Sponsorships available now; individual tickets on sale September 1. You won’t want to miss this special evening celebrating the incredible artistic talent of our state! 

Art Bash

Artspace inspires positive community impact through art.

Artspace is a non-profit visual arts center located in Downtown Raleigh. Visit Artspace for our exhibitions featuring national and community artists, our more than 35 artists working in their studios, our artists in residence, and for our art classes for all ages and abilities. 

We are a space for creativity and social practice composed of artist residencies, exhibitions, arts education, and community outreach. We believe art should be celebrated and valued as an essential part of our vibrant and healthy community. Everyone is welcome at Artspace.