alexis morgan
Alexis Morgan USA Today Bestselling Author
Alexis Morgan USA Today Bestselling Author

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Amazon : BN : Apple : Kobo

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Coming October 22, 2024!
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Alexis Morgan's A Lethal Truth

Dear Readers,

I can't believe it is June already! I hope everyone is having a great summer so far! Personally, I've been keeping busy working on my upcoming releases:

1. A LETHAL TRUTH (Love Inspired Romantic Suspense) will be out on October 22, 2024. It is now available for pre-order.

2. THE UNEXPECTED FAMILY MAN (Heartwarming) will be released February 25, 2025. It is also available for pre-order.

3. Heroes of Dunbar Mountain Book 5 (Heartwarming) will be released April 29, 2025. This book is as yet untitled, but I will share more information when available.

Finally, I have posted another installment of Abby's Series of Interesting Days under the A Little Something Extra tab HERE on my website.

Happy reading!
alexis morgan

Alexis Morgan USA Today Bestselling Author

Alexis Morgan's The Heroes of Dunbar Mountain

Alexis Morgan USA Today Bestselling Author

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