Modernity, consistency and trust

The AFA Group strives for quality and excellence while positioning itself as a reference for modernity, consistency and trust, specific characteristics of its culture in the markets where it is present.




Business areas

Engineering e Construction

The engineering and construction sector is the genesis of the creation of the AFA Group and there are three companies operating in this area: AFAVIAS, CTM and AFAVIAS Açores.


Under the Savoy Signature brand, the AFA Group owns and operates six hotels that combine uniqueness and excellence with unparalleled, personalised service.

Real Estate

AFA Real Estate develops the group’s real estate business in all its aspects: purchase, design, marketing and asset management.

Other business areas

Growth, expansion and consolidation of the group’s activity in multiple business areas.


Following international trends, AFA Group sought to take advantage of globalisation by exploring business opportunities in other markets.

We embrace a profession when we enjoy what we do. The challenge is to learn to always evolve and, therefore, I am grateful for the opportunity that the company has given me and for being part of this great family for 25 years.

It is with great satisfaction that I am part of this great company that I admire so much. I am very grateful for the work I have because it is through it that, every day, I learn and grow personally and professionally.

AFAVIAS provided me with an opportunity for personal and professional development through integration into several projects. More than a big company, it’s being a big company.

Sixteen years have passed and it is with great pride that I see myself being part not only of AFAVIAS, but also of a great team of “boys” who joined me right from the start. It’s not always easy, but with commitment, work, team spirit and a big smile, we reach the goal!

Being a Human Resources Director in this Group means embracing a commitment of unlimited passion and wise resilience, with maximum focus on getting the job done, on making it happen, on adding to it, on knowing how to do and knowing how to know.

It is, therefore, with the greatest dedication, persistence and will, that, after 40 years, I am still here, in this great company of which I am so proud. The success of AFAVIAS comes from the leadership of its founder and the knowledge, made of will and experience, to align strategies and teams.