Private Yoga & Online Yoga

There’s no secret to doing yoga, you just start. Start today.


Begin with a Private Session, try Slow Yoga on Sunday, or join the Mysore classes which allow you to move at your own pace.


We are excited to announce that Ty Landrum will be returning this Fall to do a 5-day workshop.

Yoga Classes

The first yoga class I took in NYC bored me to tears. It wasn’t until later that I learned there are many styles of yoga. Once I found Ashtanga, it all clicked. Ashtanga is unique in three ways: 1) we follow a set sequence of poses 2) each pose is held for five breaths and 3) we focus our gaze on one point. The idea is to tune into yourself, know what’s coming next, and focus the gaze in order to focus the mind. If you’re not sure where to begin, start with a private, send me a message, or sign up for my mailing list. The important thing is to take action.


Rachel Wood is a yoga goddess. I have practiced Ashtanga and various other yoga forms for over 30 years and have never encountered such a brilliant, shining, expert, generous, kind, funny, delightful, and overall magnificent yoga teacher and practitioner. I have always had a sporadic relationship with yoga practice, and since I found Rachel it is the first time I have been truly inspired to go deeper, to commit to the learning, and to follow through and keep coming back. In the past, I have often practiced at home or with a video because I have never found such an inspiring teacher, but working with Rachel has taught me to appreciate the value in shared yoga practice and to really see the essential role of the teacher in yoga practice. Rachel gives guidance in a way that is motivating. She treads the fine line between spiritual and human. She reminds her students that the attempt is the thing, and she creates an environment where everyone in the room is valued and our imperfections are loved. Even though Rachel is the ultimate yogini and can balance on the tip of a tomato, there is no ego involved, and her examples of poses never intimidate, they only illustrate the results of effort that one body can achieve over time. When Rachel gives adjustments, they are always mindful and caring, intended only to serve the goal of the student’s best attempt and healthy practice. It is not an easy thing to practice Ashtanga yoga and it is even less easy to teach it, to create a room where students and teacher work together in a fun, loving, laughter-inducing, sweat-filled, earnest, feminist, peace-giving, and egalitarian spirit. Rachel very much puts me in mind of the great yogini Maty Ezraty, which is the highest compliment I can imagine giving a yoga teacher or human friend.


The first yoga class I ever experienced was with Rachel and it was the beginning of a personal transformation for me. Her classes focus on the physical and mental aspects of yoga which I find incredibly helpful. She brings humor and expertise to each class which are never the same from week to week. Her Slow Yoga classes are my most favorite!


Rachel’s yoga classes have been no less than life-changing for me — a 65-year-old. I started attending them five years ago and have been astounded by the strength, flexibility, balance, and general sense of wellness I have gained over time, moving under her excellent (and often funny!) tutelage. For years I had dropped in and out of other yoga classes, but with Rachel I found a practice that I really wanted to commit to. I only wish I’d started sooner!


I started yoga with Rachel when I was 61 years old and quite arthritic. She worked carefully, slowly, and gently with me, and the increase in my strength and flexibility is nothing short of miraculous. It’s as if I don’t have arthritis anymore; my body is happy and I feel far younger. She knows a huge amount about anatomy and issues that can plague the body, knows how to work around them safely to build strong and flexible bodies. And she is a complete joy to work with, in private sessions and in classes, so it has been fun and supportive all the way along. If you’ve ever considered trying yoga, DO IT!! Rachel‘s your gal.


Backcountry skiing, riding a mountain bike and walking uphill for hours is challenging at 71, but Rachel’s classes have moved my body in a way that has removed constant back stiffness and allows me to be able to enjoy the outdoor physical pursuits that immeasurably enhance my life. The sound of being present and comfortable in my body is Rachel counting to 5 as we breathe in a pose. From the initial Om to the closing shanti, shanti, shanti, Rachel leads a vigorous yoga session that is full of joy and good feeling.


Rachel is such an incredible instructor. I feel so blessed to be able to learn from her. She is very attuned to the needs of the class and her wisdom and confidence make her students feel safe to learn and explore. Her style is warm, fun, approachable and challenging all at the same time. I have done yoga on and off for 20 years but it hasn’t been until working with Rachel that I’ve felt a passion for yoga that I just can’t shake! I wholeheartedly recommend anyone take the opportunity to learn from her.


Yoga classes are such a personal thing and for me, it's really about the balance - the balance between feeling challenged while also feeling present, supported, and grounded in the space. Rachel's classes strike the perfect balance for me. She is serious about yoga but lighthearted in spirit, she is very experienced and leads a beautifully orchestrated class, while still finding time to make thoughtful adjustments and even cracking a few jokes! I look forward to her class every week!


I’ve casually but consistently practiced yoga for more than twenty years. This looks like 1-2 classes per week and 1 - 2 retreats per year since the turn of the century. Suffice it to say I’ve studied with many wonderful teachers in many different settings. I’ve rarely studied with a teacher who embodies so many of the qualities I value—Rachel is knowledgeable about the physiology of yoga AND the philosophy of yoga. She is kind and encouraging. Rachel builds community and makes us laugh. She is the best of the best.

Catherine B

Rachel is a teacher with depth, passion, insight, kindness and tremendous skill! If you are already an expereinced YOGI, have wanted to try YOGA or have some physical or personal block that could use some attention in motion, try YOGA with Rachel!


Mind in Balance.

How do we still the mind? How do we create balance? We begin by looking within. In Ashtanga, the intention is to “occupy” the body in order to tune in to the mind. That’s when we discover our internal messaging. Messaging that maybe doesn’t serve us. Time and time again, I’ve seen Ashtanga Yoga profoundly impact my student’s mental and physical wellbeing. You can practice Ashtanga if you’re not flexible AND a beginner. Review the online class schedule or sign up for my mailing list. Start today!