Tuesdays with Tundra

Tuesdays with Tundra is an ongoing series featuring our new releases. These titles are now available in stores and online!

By Matteo L. Cerilli
328 Pages | Ages 14+ | Hardcover
ISBN 9781774882306 | Tundra Books
Chuck Warren died tragically at the old abandoned mill, but Paz Espino knows it was no accident – there’s a monster under the town, and she’s determined to kill it before anyone else gets hurt. She’ll need the help of her crew – inseparable friends, bound by a childhood pact stronger than diamonds, distance or death – to hunt it down. But she’s up against a greater force of evil than she ever could have imagined. With shifting timeframes and multiple perspectives, Lockjaw is a small-town ghost story, where monsters living and dead haunt the streets, the homes and the minds of the inhabitants. For readers of Wilder Girls and The Haunted, this trans YA horror book by an incredible debut author will grab you and never let you go.

Lockjaw is also available today in audiobook!

New in Paperback:

Don’t Want to Be Your Monster
By Deke Moulton
304 Pages | Ages 10-14 | Paperback
ISBN 9781774880517 | Tundra Books
Adam and Victor are brothers who have the usual fights over the remote, which movie to watch and whether or not it’s morally acceptable to eat people. Well, not so much eat . . . just drink a little blood. They’re vampires, hiding in plain sight with their eclectic yet loving family. Ten-year-old Adam knows he has a better purpose in his life (well, immortal life) than just drinking blood, but fourteen-year-old Victor wants to accept his own self-image of vampirism. Everything changes when bodies start to appear all over town, and it becomes clear that a vampire hunter may be on the lookout for the family. Can Adam and Victor reconcile their differences and work together to stop the killer before it’s too late?

We can’t wait to see you reading these titles! If you share these books online, remember to use #ReadTundra in your hashtags so that we can re-post.

Tundra Creators on Their Favorite Questions from Kids

Kids say the darndest things! So we asked our creators to tell us their favorite questions they’ve been asked by young readers.

Paulette Bourgeois
Author of Professor Goose Debunks The Three Little Pigs
“The most curious question I was ever asked was . . . “Do you wear clothes when you write?” I wasn’t sure how to respond to that one, wondering if some authors write in the nude but when I asked the young student what she meant, she responded, “The last author we had always wrote in her bed in her pyjamas.”

Kern Carter
Author of And Then There Was Us
“So many funny stories. The one that comes to mind first is when I spoke to a grade nine class and one of the boys asked me “If writers don’t make any money, how did you buy those nice shoes you have on?” LOL!”

Vikki VanSickle
Author of The Lightning Circle
“I haven’t had a lot of laugh-out-loud funny questions that I can recall, but this one really struck me as clever. At the end of If I Had a Gryphon, when *spoiler alert* the hamster is revealed to have secret antlers and wings, I ask the kids “Have you ever seen a hamster with antlers and wings?” and “Do you think Sam knows about the wings and antlers?” and we talk about how it was a magical creature the whole time. But at one school, a kid insisted the hamster was not a secret magical creature with antlers and wings but was wearing a Halloween costume to appeal to the narrator, Sam, which I thought was a really clever take on the last page.”

Tanya Lloyd Kyi
Author of Emily Posts
“Kids ask great questions, always, but my favorite question came from a grown-up. I was presenting to a writer’s group at a seniors’ activity center. I’d talked about my writing process and the way I try to combine serious issues with some silliness and humor. One of the women put up her hand and said, “I just don’t understand why you write about such terrible things. They can learn about climate change and censorship later. Let the kids be kids.” Before I could answer, one of the other women rolled her eyes. “Gladys, that philosophy would work fine, if it weren’t for this thing called the internet. Kids already know about these things. She’s making it easier for them to understand.” I had nothing to add to that answer, so I moved on with my presentation!”

Richard Scrimger
Author of Your Story Matters
“At the Q & A following my very first presentation of one of my books, a smiling 13-year-old goofball asked, “When did you realize that you yourself were clearly neurodivergent?” I laughed out loud and replied, “Way later than you did.” I’ve been asked if a book (can’t remember which one) was good for anything except reading. I apologized for it not being thick enough for a doorstop. I suggested fly swatting, or maybe as a shim for an uneven table. Someone at the back of the room asked if I had fun giving talks. “You bet. I’m having fun right now,” I said, and the look on their face – the slack-jawed gawp of disbelief – made me burst out laughing.”

David A. Robertson
Author of The Misewa Saga
“I get asked a lot of questions and my favorite of them, and there are so many good ones, is “What is your favorite book that you have written?” I like the question because I get to talk about my dad. My favorite book is On the Trapline because I get to talk about the trip I took with my dad to his trapline and the things that he taught me. But I also get to remember my dad and think about how On the Trapline was the last book of mine that he read. I love the book but I think I love more that it has an emotional connection to me more than any other book I’ve ever written.”

Ann Sei Lin
Author of Rebel Skies
“A student once asked me “Can you include a chunky rhino in your next book?” Why a rhino, and why it had to be chunky, I don’t know. Perhaps the student was an avid rhino fan. I said I would consider it!”

Tuesdays with Tundra

Tuesdays with Tundra is an ongoing series featuring our new releases. These titles are now available in stores and online!

The Green Baby Swing
Written by Thomas King
Illustrated by Yong Ling Kang
40 Pages | Ages 3-7 | Hardcover
ISBN 9780735269361 | Tundra Books
After Nana passes away, Xavier, his mother and Comet the kitten all head up to Nana’s attic to help clean it up. At first, Xavier is a little nervous. Though there are no dragons up there, it looks like a dragon’s cave — it’s gloomy, dusty and full of cobwebs. But as Xavier explores the attic, he discovers all kinds of interesting things:
An old tricycle
Two monkeys made out of coconuts
A scrapbook full of photographs
A rocking horse with gold and red stars stuck to its neck
At the bottom of one box, Xavier finds a strange piece of fabric. It’s thick, soft and green, and it makes his mother’s eyes wet with memories. As Xavier learns more about this keepsake, he discovers more about his family and himself in this gorgeous picture book about intergenerational love and the power of memory.

New in Paperback:

Megabat Megastar
By Anna Humphrey
Illustrated by Kris Easler
192 Pages | Ages 7-10 | Paperback
ISBN 9780735271708 | Tundra Books
Daniel’s allowance is not going to cover the cost to fix his dad’s phone screen, which he and Megabat broke. And he is out of ideas. Megabat has a GREAT idea: become famous! Famous people have lots of money. Daniel is also grounded, and being stuck inside is pretty boring. Megabat has no time to spend with bored Daniel, he’s too busy learning the skill that will make him famous and rich. Daniel really doesn’t like Megabat’s new catchphrase, or his fancy new hairdo. Megabat will show him! When Megabat takes things too far and ruins Daniel’s mom’s dinner party with his “magic show,” chaos ensues . . . and Daniel is not too happy. And Megabat learns there are some things that are more important than fame and riches. Kris Easler’s adorable illustrations paired with Anna Humphrey’s hilarious text make for another unforgettable Megabat adventure, one that will appeal to Megabat fans and newcomers!

We can’t wait to see you reading these titles! If you share these books online, remember to use #ReadTundra in your hashtags so that we can re-post.

Tuesdays with Tundra

Tuesdays with Tundra is an ongoing series featuring our new releases. These titles are now available in stores and online!

Buns Gone Bad: Fluffle Bunnies #1
Written by Anna Humphrey
Illustrated by Irma Kniivila
176 Pages | Ages 6-9 | Hardcover
ISBN 9781774881262 | Tundra Books
This story starts, as stories often do, with a tragedy. Three bunnies are left without their mother when she goes off to Brazil to learn jiujitsu. The bunnies, Flop, Biggie and Boingie, learn some hard truths about life pretty quick: squirrels will take over your cozy nest as soon as you leave and refuse to give it back, dogs are to be avoided at all costs and raccoons will believe anything you tell them. With quick thinking, ingenuity and maybe a little bit of raccoon manipulation, these three buns will take on all comers to be the rulers of the park. Will they win? Well, this IS an origin story . . .

Buns Gone Bad is also available today in paperback!

Your Story Matters
Written by Richard Scrimger
Illustrated by D. McFadzean
208 Pages | Ages 9-12 | Hardcover
ISBN 9781770498426 | Tundra Books
Interested in writing but don’t know how to get started? Love reading and want to know more about how stories are created? Like ridiculous tales about troublesome sisters, peanut butter and steamrollers? Look no further! Esteemed writer Richard Scrimger is here to answer all your burning questions about writing: whether about plot, character, structure, story hooks or commas. (Actually, don’t ask him about commas, it’s not that kind of book.) Using clever (so he thinks) analogies, (sort of) brilliant examples and funny (well . . .) anecdotes, he will give you (truly) useful tools to start you on your way as a writer. And if that’s not enough, comic illustrations by D. McFadzean are the pepperoni on the writing pizza! (That will make sense once you read the book.) So come, read this book and start your writing journey!

We can’t wait to see you reading these titles! If you share these books online, remember to use #ReadTundra in your hashtags so that we can re-post.

Creator Spotlight: Eva Montanari

At Tundra Books, we want you to get to know and love our authors as much as you know and love their books. Our creator spotlight series will introduce you to the people behind some of your favorite titles . . . this week, say hello to Eva Montanari!

About the Author:

EVA MONTANARI was born in Rimini, five minutes away from the sea. She has always loved reading and has been inventing her own stories for as long as she can remember. Using traditional techniques – pencil, chalk, oil and acrylics – she creates playful tableaux populated with endearing characters. Since 2000, her books have been published all over the world, and her work has been featured in many exhibitions such as the Bologna Children’s Book Fair Illustrators’ Exhibition, the Original Art Show at the New York Society of Illustrators, the Sarmede International Illustration exhibition, the Nami Island International Children’s Book Festival and the Sharjah Book Fair.

Fast Five with Eva Montanari:

If you could live anywhere, where would it be?

I’d say in Barcelona. Now that I live in Milano I miss the seaside a lot. But to be honest, I really like exploring, so if I lived in Barcelona, maybe I’d wish to be somewhere else.

What’s one thing that can instantly make your day better?

A hug!

Which meal is your favorite: breakfast, lunch, or dinner?

Breakfast, I think. I cannot start my day without it!

What’s your “dance like nobody’s watching” song?

I really like swing music but when I was young and growing up in Rimini, a city full of nightclubs, I used to dance to house music a lot.

What is your best birthday memory?

As a child, I used to celebrate my birthday in my grandmother’s apartment. My parents, who are pastry chefs, would prepare a huge cake and we all wore carnival costumes even if the birthday wasn’t carnival-themed. Once, my mum made me a Cleopatra costume with a gold (plastic) snake on my head! I think the preparation of everything and how my mother got us involved was one of the best parts of birthday parties!

Books by Eva:

What Does Little Crocodile Say?
By Eva Montanari
40 Pages | Ages 2-5 | Hardcover
ISBN 9780735268135 | Tundra Books
What sounds does the Little Crocodile hear on the first day of preschool?
The alarm clock goes ring, ring
The car goes vroom vroom
The elephant says peekaboo
The drum goes rat-a-tat
The food goes nom nom nom
And the crocodile says . . . WAHHHH!
In this charming book of sounds, a little crocodile experiences the highs and lows of preschool, ultimately enjoying their day . . . after a small meltdown, of course! Little ones will delight in the adorable illustrations and fun read-aloud, and parents will delight in the sly humor and familiar emotional rollercoaster of a toddler’s day.

What Does Little Crocodile Say at the Park?
By Eva Montanari
40 Pages | Ages 2-5 | Hardcover
ISBN 9780735268159 | Tundra Books
What sounds does Little Crocodile hear on a trip to the park?
Grandma says “Sweet Pea!”
The pigeons go flap, flap
The dandelion goes pffff
The chatter goes chit chat
The merry-go-round goes wheee
And the crocodile says . . . WAHHHH!
In this charming book of sounds, Little Crocodile visits the park with Grandma and Grandpa and experiences being left out, kindness and independence, ultimately enjoying their day . . . after a small meltdown, of course! Little ones will delight in the adorable illustrations and fun read-aloud, and parents will delight in the sly humor and familiar emotional rollercoaster of a toddler’s day.

What Does Little Crocodile Say At the Beach?
By Eva Montanari
40 Pages | Ages 2-5 | Hardcover
ISBN 9781774881552 | Tundra Books
What sounds does Little Crocodile hear on a trip to the beach?
The sunscreen goes squirt
The wave goes splash
The fish goes blub
The seagulls go ark, ark
The watch goes tick, tock
And the crocodile says . . . WAHHHH!
In this charming book of sounds, Little Crocodile goes camping and visits the beach with Big Crocodile and experiences sand, sun, independence and play, ultimately enjoying their day . . . after a small meltdown, of course! Little ones will delight in the adorable illustrations and fun read-aloud, and parents will delight in the sly humor and familiar emotional rollercoaster of a toddler’s day.

What Does Little Crocodile Say At the Birthday Party?
By Eva Montanari
40 Pages | Ages 2-5 | Hardcover
ISBN 9781774881576 | Tundra Books
What sounds does Little Crocodile hear at their own birthday party?
The decorations go whirr whirr
The band goes ooom pa pa
The wish goes whoosh
The cameras go click
The balloon goes pop
And the crocodile says . . . WAHHHH!
In this charming book of sounds, Little Crocodile experiences the highs and lows of a birthday with friends and family, ultimately enjoying their day . . . after a small meltdown, of course! Little ones will delight in the adorable illustrations and fun read-aloud, and parents will delight in the sly humor and familiar emotional rollercoaster of a toddler’s day.